Calling all moms!

Hello ladys... needing some support!

I am a young (almost 23 yr old) new mother!! I have been obese for awhile now and have always said I wanted to lose weight, but never really found the motivation. Now that my child is here I HAVE to.. I NEED to do this for my child. Any words of advice or sharing your journey would be greatly appreciated. I've never really ate healthy.. so I am starting my process slowly by eating less.. and choosing foods a bit better and starting exercise. I feel if I try to go radical and completely cut out things, I might turn away.

I am 5'2 and started at 190. My last weigh in I had lost 4lbs. My current goal is only 20lbs, but my long term goal is 50lbs. :) I am also very large chested measuring a 38 F.. which I believe holds a lot of weight as well. :/ Just looking for other momma's who are in the same boat as I am!

Thank you!