Back Again, 68.6 lbs to lose


It's been a few years since I've used MFP and decided to get back into using it in June after I decided to lose weight. When I saw my doctor, he informed me that although i was severely overweight (actually obese) that I was pretty healthy. I had also found out that I was down to 277. My normal average weight has always been 286-294.

After the appointment in the early part of May, I joined (a great program) which was free via my workplace. They teach how to eat healthier, maintain weight loss, exercising and preventing diabetes. Soon after that, I joined MFP again. My weigh in back on May 23 when I started preventnow was was 272.9. Today, just over two months later I have lost 29 pounds. A big part of this is due in part of watching my calories but also being educated on proper eating.

So onward to 68.6 more pounds to lose!


  • sourkuss
    sourkuss Posts: 7
    Good for YOU!!! Keep up the good work and tracking everything..sounds like your on the right path and have now made this a habit!! :smile:
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
  • skjones0323
    skjones0323 Posts: 53 Member
    Great job and welcome back!!! I have about the same amount to lose still!! I know that with more exercise and making healthoer food choices that we both can make it!!