Sore, and feeling lazy!

The last few days I guess I've been too excited about getting my mind into a place where I want to get healthier now. I've missed a few logs on the exercise, mostly because a lot of what I do is short spurts when I can do them. I have sciatica and some things I do too long, really get the pain going. Anyhow, I have been incorporating muscle strengthening each day basically, and yes, I am guilty of focusing too much on areas that are not painful for me to work out.
Yesterday I was pretty sore, but still feeling motivated. Today on the other hand, I find myself just wanting to lie around. I have been, eh, fairly good about food. I had some chips, but no way close to calorie limit.
I have been trying to get up the motivation to do some sort of activity to get my blood pumping at the very least. Even the treadmil for 10 minutes. But I can't even force myself up. Mentally, that is.
Each time I close the windows on the computer and tell myself time to get up, I roll over instead, and lie there until I go back to the screen. Ahhhh,
I am not trying to do any of the strength stuff today, but cardio and getting my daily steps in are things I have been really trying to make sure I do. Today, the not so motivating thought of, "I'll just make it up later" keeps creeping in. Need to snap out of it! I know the suggestions, guess I am just venting.
