I have muscle but have a lot of fat around it?

Hi its vanna! Does anyone else have this problem?? I am an athlete and I do conditioning. I have an athletic build that is more of a pear shape. I gain weight very easily and it goes straight to my butt and thighs when i do. just a couple months ago I weighed 113 and some think that is really small, but i really need to be that size for my cross country season coming up. now that i haven't been training, and eating straight up crap Ive gained weight. I'm 5'4 and weigh 130. Ive been trying to train but i keep gaining muscle and losing none of the fat, which is what i really need. i have one month tell cross country season starts. i don't expect o get back down to 113 in a month but i need to get rid of this fattiness fast!!

p.s. even when training i still had a bit more fat then the other girls on my track team ( was track season when i weighed 113) they were all stringy and slim and i had more fat. has anyone dealt with this issue? if so, how can i get more slender and lose the fat?


  • AvonBell
    AvonBell Posts: 107 Member
    You need to be in a caloric deficit to lose fat. It's the only way.

    Calculate your total daily energy expenditure, and consume fewer calories than that. Measure all your food. The bigger your deficit the more weight you will lose in a given period but the more weight you lose in that period the more likely you'll lose muscle. To retain as much muscle as possible, consumer plenty of protein and lift heavy.
  • MargaretSobers
    MargaretSobers Posts: 167 Member
    You need to be in a caloric deficit to lose fat. It's the only way.

    Calculate your total daily energy expenditure, and consume fewer calories than that. Measure all your food. The bigger your deficit the more weight you will lose in a given period but the more weight you lose in that period the more likely you'll lose muscle. To retain as much muscle as possible, consumer plenty of protein and lift heavy.
    Yes I agree,
    If you are really wanted to lose your fat then you have to take some caloric deficit.
    Fat loss is about calories in vs. calories out. But the query is how much less you should have to lose fat? This is one of the hardest as well as most important part of dieting. There are many pros and cons for calorie deficit. Here are some of the tips of setting a caloric deficit.
    Pick a specific number to achieve a certain rate of fat loss.
    Set your calorie intake according to your body weight.
    Cut calories as much as you can.
    Set calories as a percentage of your maintenance intake.