
There is SO many supplements out there. I know i want to get into a healthy routine and take supplement that will help and not hurt me. No idea where to start though. Anyone have any advice. I want to build muscle and cut fat. Fat burners are not my thing though, any i have tried have made my anxiety 10x good old eating clean and cardio will have to do for the cutting fat part. I lift pretty heavy and have a good schedule for lifting. I have been drinking way more water and am feeling good, just need some advice on the supplement part.

Thanks :huh:


  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    supplements arent necessary, take a multivitamin and fish oil if you need them to get all your vitamins and whatnot in. if you want an energy boost stick with caffeine, and pre-workouts are a whole different ballgame, but for weight loss good old clean eating (assuming you mean calorie deficit with relatively healthy foods) is all thats needed

    you already lift heavy and do cardio so i'd just stick with that and keeping a low calorie deficit so you dont lose much/any muscle