Who hates weekends?



  • Shalaurise
    Shalaurise Posts: 707 Member
    I concur. Weekends are the worst. The lack of a schedule and framework for how the day is supposed to go really throws off most of my motivation, wreaks havoc on my food intake and kicks the heck out of my normal walking schedule. I think I spent one day sleeping... like almost the whole day.
  • Aprilfoolbride
    Aprilfoolbride Posts: 552 Member

    As I've been tracking more consistently, I see a pattern. During the week I get in my steps and really TRY to stay within cals. And I don't eat any of the unhealthy treats at work (my office is junk food city). Then on the weekends, well.... It's harder for me to not eat treats and unhealthy meals. I feel like everything's on the table. I guess I feel like I've abstained all week and that I should have something that I really want. And sometimes I do that but other times I go off the rails. I've recently instituted a kibosh on pizza because the last few times we got it I ate waaaay too much.

    On Saturday I ate way too many chocolate chip cookies (which the husband brought into the house and didn't hide) and last night I ate loads of trail mix. Also sometimes I feel like I'm sneak-eating, which sucks.

    How do you stay motivated on the weekends?
    How do you stay within your calories when you get less activity?
    How do you moderate treats?
  • mrsmammahunter
    mrsmammahunter Posts: 221 Member
    Nope. I love my weekends. Mostly because it's the weekend, also because my eating habits don't change if it's Tuesday or Saturday. I eat what I like no matter what day of the week it is

    well arent you awesome
  • mrsmammahunter
    mrsmammahunter Posts: 221 Member
    Weekends are bad for me because I like to have a few beers. The calories add up so quickly!

    ditto only wine..... mmmm i love a good bottle of wine.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'm always home so I'm used to that part, my issue with week ends is that hubby is home and we love going out to eat... and I love dessert. We got to put an end to that, frankly, and just eat at home... but it's fun to go out for a day trip with the kids and it often involves eating out... And I just hate staying home on week ends. Just got to stop looking at the dessert menu I guess.

    I'd suggest eating less during the week to make up for it, or make yourself work out first thing when you wake up, so at least that's done. Then yeah... find a hobby.