Happy Thanksgiving Day from a new poster

This is my first post. It is Thanksgiving day, and due to an unfortunate set of unexpected circumstances, my wife and I are headed to Cracker Barrel for Thanksgiving dinner (at 2:30 in the afternoon - I am starved right now) instead of having anything that is even remotely traditional.


  • cjkasseckert
    cjkasseckert Posts: 53 Member
    Welcome... and I had a Christmas like that a few years back. Just think of the stories you can share.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Happy Thanskgiving and welcome to this forum. As long as you and your wife are together and enjoying each other, you will have a great holiday!
  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    Cracker Barrel serves the "traditional" thanksgiving meal with all the fixings and everything cooked in butter!

    Look at it this way, you have the advantage of looking at their nutritional info and picking the healthy stuff.

    Happy Thanksgiving!
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I have changed my attitude about food so we no longer celebrate with big dinners or overindulge. The celebration is about the day, NOT the food.
    We just celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary last month, and stayed home and ate our grilled chicken breasts and steamed veggies by candlelight because we were celebrating being together, not what we could indulge in (well, food wise anyway, ha ha).

    I think your dinner sounds ideal.