Weight Watcher Meetings??

Are they worth the money?

I love MFP but it would be nice to meet others in my position and be able to build a support system with a few people locally. Would love to know if any of you attend meetings and how they may have helped you.



  • jln_1014
    jln_1014 Posts: 2 Member
    I have been to many, many, many WW meetings in my lifetime. I do not enjoy them, hence the reason I have quit and re-joined WW so many times.

    Also, the WW program is a bit different than counting calories her at MFP so if you aren't going to commit to the WW Points program, you won't really be in a room with like-minded people, know what I mean? Other than the fact that you're all there to lose weight, you're doing it a bit differently than the others.

    It all depends on the leader, too. I've had good ones and I've had horrible ones (like the one who suggested that the best way to curb your sweet tooth is to carry a pack of fruit-flavored gum and just sniff it).

    Your personality is another thing to consider. I'm more of an introvert with a bit of social anxiety so that was probably another contributing factor to my negative view of the meetings.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Sometimes they are great, sometimes they are a little cheesy and gimmicky, other times they are just a 30 minute advertisement for their products. For me I liked the social part of it, but after I started logging on here I decided my money could be better used for something like a gym membership.
  • HappyHope0123
    HappyHope0123 Posts: 101 Member
    I don't feel they are worth it at all. I feel like they are scripted. Get a gym membership, and find a weight loss buddy - either in real life, or on here.