I have no idea what I am doing...


I am at a point where I have lost about 5 inches around my waist and 15.5 lbs just counting calories and not really caring about macros(I did try to eat healthier though). In the beginning I ate 1350 calories a day, but later on I realized that that is insanity, seeing as I am a 18 y/o male. I then upped my calories to 1750 a day and I have rolled with that for a while, but I'm no longer seeing any results. Should I try going for 1450-1500 calories a day or just hang in there? I would lie if I told you that I don't want to lose weight/bodyfat% fast, but I understand that this cant all be achieved in a week.

Current weight: 190 lbs (My goal is to be around 164 lbs)
Current Height: 6 feet
I have a sedentary lifestyle, but I go jogging 3 times a week and also try to lift some weights 3 times a week

Also, macros. Is it true that if I dont eat accordingly to macros, while still in a caloric deficit, I will become flabby(Right weight, but high bodyfat%)?
How should I set my macros for cutting? I have no clue atm, but I feel as if I am eating too little fat. (They are currently at 35c/50p/15f)

It would be nice if anyone that know more than me about this would be willing to personally help me a little. It's not that much but it would be nice to be able to talk to someone who has done this alot longer than me. Preferably someone that tries to get lean and does bodybuilding for aesthetics


  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    As an 18 year old male, you should be eating more than 1350 calories a day. Set your MFP profile to "Lightly Active" for your activity level and your weekly weight loss goal to 1 lb. since you want to lose 26 lbs. Sedentary is for people who don't exercise. Add your exercise calories and eat back about 50%. Reevaluate after about a month.

    As a rule of thumb, the following weekly targets would give a balance between minimizing negative side effects and seeing a reasonable weekly weight loss:

    More than 75 lbs. 2 lbs./week
    40-75 lbs. 1.5 lbs./week
    10-40 lbs. 1 lb./week
    Less than 10 lbs. 0.5 lb./week

  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Open up your diary if you'd like better advice.

    But in general, do you weigh and track everything you eat as precisely as you can fit into your lifestyle?
  • rileyleigh
    rileyleigh Posts: 106 Member
    I'm 24, 6'0", and i currently weigh 191 pounds. I have been eating around 1700 a day for a while now. I also do cardio 5 days a week, and lift weights 2-3 times a week.

    This weekend was a bad indicator for me, as i went significantly over my calories saturday and sunday, but i have been consistently losing around a pound or more a week at the 1700. I usually don't eat back my exercise calories because i use them to account for any innacuracies i may have in underlogging my food portions.

    I would assume that since we are about the same height and same weight, that you should be able to lose weight with about the same amount of calories i am eating. One thing i have found is that over time i have gotten a little lazy in my weighing and recording, and my records are not as exact as they used to be. I personally find this to be a good thing for me, because i don't want to weight everything for my entire life. I just want to learn to know a good portion size without having to weigh/measure exactly. But if you find that you have not been recording as diligently as you could be, perhaps that is accounting for the lack of weightloss.
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member

    I am at a point where I have lost about 5 inches around my waist and 15.5 lbs just counting calories and not really caring about macros(I did try to eat healthier though). In the beginning I ate 1350 calories a day, but later on I realized that that is insanity, seeing as I am a 18 y/o male. I then upped my calories to 1750 a day and I have rolled with that for a while, but I'm no longer seeing any results. Should I try going for 1450-1500 calories a day or just hang in there? I would lie if I told you that I don't want to lose weight/bodyfat% fast, but I understand that this cant all be achieved in a week.

    Current weight: 190 lbs (My goal is to be around 164 lbs)
    Current Height: 6 feet
    I have a sedentary lifestyle, but I go jogging 3 times a week and also try to lift some weights 3 times a week

    Also, macros. Is it true that if I dont eat accordingly to macros, while still in a caloric deficit, I will become flabby(Right weight, but high bodyfat%)?
    How should I set my macros for cutting? I have no clue atm, but I feel as if I am eating too little fat. (They are currently at 35c/50p/15f)

    It would be nice if anyone that know more than me about this would be willing to personally help me a little. It's not that much but it would be nice to be able to talk to someone who has done this alot longer than me. Preferably someone that tries to get lean and does bodybuilding for aesthetics

    If you are jogging and weight training three times a week, then you are not sedentary. Your activity level should be set to lightly active or active. You want to lose 34 lb so you can set your weight loss goal to 1 lb per week but once it gets under 20 lb to lose then re-evaluate and set to .5 lb per week. Losing weight too fast is not good for you. MFP has the macros set at 50/30/20. I found lowering my carbs helped so my macros are currently set at 40/30/30, a common recommended setting. To do this you need to go into goals and set your macros manually.

    When you enter your exercise, use caution as some of the database entries are over estimated. Like many, I find a HRM gives me a better reading on calories burned. Calories burned are dependent on your weight. As you lose weight, you will burn fewer calories for the same activity so be sure to adjust for weight loss in any app or device used to calculate your calorie burn. Many over do it on cardio. It's best to reduce cardio and add in strength training especially weights. You burn fewer calories but get a more toned look. If you are using the NEAT method (MFP default) for weight loss, the recommendation is to eat back your exercise calories BUT many including myself do not do so unless very hungry. If you are using the TDEE method (manually set), exercise is logged as 1 calorie burn; you eat according to your TDEE minus desired percentage for weight loss and only track what exercises you did but not as to eat back the calories.