Calorie Counting Canucks



  • lilrhody
    lilrhody Posts: 84 Member
    Hello fellow Canadians! I'm from Toronto (well, actually I'm from Rhode Island, but I live in Toronto!)
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    Windsor!! No snow here yet!! Just a whole lot of rain!!!
  • suzi67
    suzi67 Posts: 162 Member
    Kamloops, BC here. That's about 4 hours northeast of Vancouver. Snow here all day, keeping warm by my woodstove. Feel free to add me for some Canadian support.
  • Boopa
    Boopa Posts: 45 Member
    oooo I'll join!. Niagara Region Ontario. Travelled and lived in many parts of the sister has been a bit whiney about Calgary weather this week ;)
  • Wooo :D

    Adam from Niagara, Ontario
  • BoresEasily
    Can I join even though I'm not really counting calories?
    I'm in Burnaby, B.C and it's frigid out here. I bundled up this afternoon and did a run/walk interval in a snow-covered field. I had two layers of clothing on and had a blast.
  • ruralhipster
    ruralhipster Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in. Roy from Didsbury, Alberta (45 minutes north of Calgary) Any Albertans want more friends feel freel to add me as I will be on here for a while yet to get down to my goal weight.
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    Good morning .. Happy Friday!!
    I hope you all have a great weekend.
    What are your plans?

    Me: nothing much. Hubby is working late tonight and working tomorrow and then he's traveling on Sunday to buy parts for my car to try to get it on the road. My weekend plans generally run the same as they do through the week.

    Yes, anyone can join. I was just trying to come up with a catchy title for the group :)
  • BoresEasily
    Get a lot of hours in at the poker tables and play with my Gym Boss. Other than that, I don't really know.
  • maurap26
    maurap26 Posts: 90 Member
    What a great group !!
    I'm in Nova Scotia also
  • trachnurse
    Hey everyone, I am in Bowmanville, ON, about half an hour east of Toronto.
  • Boopa
    Boopa Posts: 45 Member
    Weekend Plans-My husband is working all weekend(days) and today we are celebrating our 4th son's 2nd Birthday. The only downside I can only have a wee piece of his birthday cake lol. I will be finishing up with the Xmas decorating(yes its early for some).

    Welcome to everyone and happy losing!
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    Not early.
    I've had decorations up since the middle of Nov. including the tree!! Thanks to my daughter getting all excited when the neighbours across the street turned their lights on on Nov 13th or so.
    I put the outside lights up but I won't turn them on until Dec 1st.
  • CaptainJim157
    My weekend plans are:
    Today is my mom's birthday, so we're celebrating that, gonna chill and probably go to the gym tomorrow and Sun,
    Sunday is also my 2nd official weigh in since going on here regularly, so hopefully I lost a few pounds ^^
    I have a meeting to discuss a job today, as Caperfae knows I'm not to thrilled about it, but ya, that's my weekend :P
    Hope everyone else's goes well! :D
  • I am so ready to go to bed...covered a shift yesterday (8AM - 6PM), and then had to cover another today (2AM-1PM) ...managed to get 4 hours of sleep and 2.5 hours at the gym..40 minutes and I will be out cold
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    It's Friday night.
    Just finished up a little 20 minute workout to end the day (total burn of 956 today), now I'm sitting here watching the Wiggles.
    Who is jealous?
    I forget what a social life is like, lol

    Hitting the shower soon and then get my cozy pajamas on and relax for the remainder of the night.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    I ordered the Zumba game for Wii earlier this week from Amazon ... IT GOT HERE TODAY!!!! YAY YAY YAY. I only had the chance to try out some of the tutorial because we rented a few movies and the hubby wants to watch them ... but what I did so far seems like fun. I've got a bit of a sweat going on already. I'll let you know how it is as I use it more. I can't believe how fast it got here ... thank you Amazon!!!
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    I ordered the Zumba game for Wii earlier this week from Amazon ... IT GOT HERE TODAY!!!! YAY YAY YAY. I only had the chance to try out some of the tutorial because we rented a few movies and the hubby wants to watch them ... but what I did so far seems like fun. I've got a bit of a sweat going on already. I'll let you know how it is as I use it more. I can't believe how fast it got here ... thank you Amazon!!!

    Definitely report back. I really want to try it but I need more reviews first.

    Have a great night!
  • mlharris
    mlharris Posts: 28 Member
    representing Victoria BC... lots of you On and AB people!!!! We actually had snow here!! Crazy but the rain it back now...
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Markerville, Alberta......and since I was asked earlier today.....that is SW of Red Deer 25 minutes, and west of Innsfail for the Albertans out there! :smile:

    i've lived in red deer, medicine hat, and edmonton and i STILL don't know where Markerville is lol