Chest pain


Been getting some serious chest pains occasionally over the last few weeks. Been doing a bit of lifting spending 1 day a week on muscle groups, so not been over working. Could it be stretching out muscles that don't normally get stretched? Doing Flat dumbell fly and going as wide as I can whereas I was only doing wide press ups before. And only using light weights 7.5kgs as I have an elbow and shoulder injury.

Any thoughts? Amyone suffered with similar when starting lifting?


  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 661 Member
    Seriously, go see your Dr. Chest pains can be bad, real bad...... Could just be Angina which is nothing to ignore but it could be worse. Might be nothing at all but if its on the left side or sudden you need to see your Dr
  • pinheadplanet
    pinheadplanet Posts: 24 Member
    Seen my Dr, but he doesn't lift. I'm looking the experiences of people in my situation.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    If there was one thing you shouldn't be getting advice off internet strangers about, I think chest pains would be it!

    Doccy woccy doo daa Mr Chest Painy Chesterton.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    did your doctor do an EKG to make sure your heart is all right? it's possible that your chest pain isn't from lifting at all. or it could be referred pain from your shoulder injury or a new injury, and the exercise or going so wide can be damaging the muscle further.
  • pinheadplanet
    pinheadplanet Posts: 24 Member
    He had a listen with his stethoscope and he's given me some medicine.
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    You need evaluation and blood work with an EKG. Cardiac enzymes with a troponin can tell him if you are actually having an MI or you have had an episode in the past. Doctors offices typically don't have comprehensive labs available with a stat turnaround time.
    Go to an emergency room.

    Go.....go now especially if you are having pains.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    He had a listen with his stethoscope and he's given me some medicine.

    A doctor doesn't need to have experience lifting in order to help figure out what's wrong…….

    What did he prescribe you? I wouldn't trust any doctor who prescribes you medication without doing an EKG, ultrasound of your heart, and chest x-rays.

    Your chest pain can certainly be related to lifting but at your age, I would get checked by a cardiologist or go to the ER. Chest pain is not something to be taken lightly.
  • pleasurelittletreasure
    pleasurelittletreasure Posts: 236 Member
    He had a listen with his stethoscope and he's given me some medicine.

    My doc listened to my heart, too. Didn't hear anything that raised concerns BUT he still sent me to a cardiologist. Gave me the name of one. Called them to give them my name. Called me to follow-up to make sure I'd made an appointment. Followed up more after that to get the results.

    Your doctor worries me.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    He had a listen with his stethoscope and he's given me some medicine.

    My doc listened to my heart, too. Didn't hear anything that raised concerns BUT he still sent me to a cardiologist. Gave me the name of one. Called them to give them my name. Called me to follow-up to make sure I'd made an appointment. Followed up more after that to get the results.

    Your doctor worries me.

    It all makes sense now. He lives in England. Doctors in the UK are terrible and basically useless unless you are dying or already dead.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Run to a doctor ASAP. Don't be foolish. Better to be safe then sorry.
  • pinheadplanet
    pinheadplanet Posts: 24 Member
    Wait....brb.....checking the results from the imaginary physical exam I gave you.
    Just think about it. How can someone tell you what you might have.

    Your doctor doesn't lift? OK so he ruled out all medical possibilities right? Then maybe the next step is go talk to a doctor that knows about lifting.

    You know, I also have a stethoscope. They are as cheap as 20 bucks and as much as 300. Anyone can use one. Anyone.

    OK I've probably not made myself clear enough. I've seen my doctor, he's made his diagnosis, he's given me some medicine. I'm happy with that.

    I am not looking for anyone to tell me "what I might have". I'm not some idiot that would take medical advice from forumites on the web over that of my own physician. What I am simply asking is "Has anyone experienced similar symptoms?" Yes or no really.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    He had a listen with his stethoscope and he's given me some medicine.

    A doctor doesn't need to have experience lifting in order to help figure out what's wrong…….

    What did he prescribe you? I wouldn't trust any doctor who prescribes you medication without doing an EKG, ultrasound of your heart, and chest x-rays.

    Your chest pain can certainly be related to lifting but at your age, I would get checked by a cardiologist or go to the ER. Chest pain is not something to be taken lightly.

    This is from your personal experience with UK doctors?

    This could be said for doctors around the world.
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    " What I am simply asking is "Has anyone experienced similar symptoms?" Yes or no really."

    Yes. Many of them are dead now.
    Edited: tried and failed to fix my quote box.
  • GelasiaT
    GelasiaT Posts: 74 Member
    I'm not a doctor and neither is most of the people on here so if your experiencing severe pain then speaking more with a doctor(preferably a cardiologist) is idea. However you may be experiencing something similar to what I went through. I am not an active runner and have not been since a teenager, so when I started incorporating running into my 3 day a week walks I would experience chest pain. I spoke with a couple people who run and got some great advice, but the best advice came from my fiancé. He used to be a boxer so he knew a thing or two about running and he informed me that I was more than likely experiencing the pain(which was kinda more of a burning) because I was breathing incorrectly when running. I had a habit of holding my breath for several seconds then letting it out and basically gasping for air when I did. He showed me how to properly breathe and Ive been doing it whenever I run and I haven't had that feeling ever since. I am not saying that this is your problem, but maybe something you can look into. try researching breathing methods while lifting. Best of luck to you and I hope you find the real reason behind your pain and I pray its not anything serious.
  • judipatootie
    judipatootie Posts: 51 Member
    seriously- dont mess around with chest pains. it could be nothing more than pulled muscles as you suggest, but it could be something very serious. And to wait it out, could be lethal. Remember, you only live if you drop dead : thats it- no coming back. Sorry for being so direct, but seriously man, go see a doc. If nothing else, it will alleviate your worries ( and obviously you are worried or you wouldn't be posting on here). Get it checked out. And take an aspirin now .... because if there is something going on, it could save your life. Now- get thee to a Dr!
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Wait....brb.....checking the results from the imaginary physical exam I gave you.
    Just think about it. How can someone tell you what you might have.

    Your doctor doesn't lift? OK so he ruled out all medical possibilities right? Then maybe the next step is go talk to a doctor that knows about lifting.

    You know, I also have a stethoscope. They are as cheap as 20 bucks and as much as 300. Anyone can use one. Anyone.

    OK I've probably not made myself clear enough. I've seen my doctor, he's made his diagnosis, he's given me some medicine. I'm happy with that.

    I am not looking for anyone to tell me "what I might have". I'm not some idiot that would take medical advice from forumites on the web over that of my own physician. What I am simply asking is "Has anyone experienced similar symptoms?" Yes or no really.

    You should've said you have a diagnosis already.

    My best guess is the chest pain is from your heart condition. Most people don't experience serious chest pain after lifting. Most experience soreness and slight discomfort but not "serious pain."
  • love8383
    love8383 Posts: 169
    could just be costochondritis an inflammation of a rib or the cartilage connecting a rib. It is a common cause of chest pain, the cartilage connect to muscle around the heart causing chest pain and pain in the center of the chest downward..easy to pull this kind of muscle in the gym. sometime with this pushing on the ribs sends a shooting pain to the chest.....still if it were me i would rather be safe than sorry when it comes to chest pain i would be at the ER getting an EKG ect.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I'm glad you've seen your doctor.

    I'm sad this thread is not going so well for you right now.

    I'm sorry I have not experience that while lifting. Not anything that was not obvious to me as DOMS.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member