"Saggy skin"

Zuznana Posts: 284 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Since I have lost weight couple of years ago, I have a saggy skin on my stomach. When I done it, it was due to proper eating and every day exercise (I had personal trainer), but the skin didn't go back to "normal".

I have 2 kids with whom I put on ridiculous amount of weight (overeating) and then lost a bit before getting personal trainer. Now I'm losing weight again, it is even more obvious and it looks horrible.

Please tell me there is a miracle cure and it will go because I can't get rid of it and there is no way I'm ever going to wear something nice with this flab there.

On a funny side, I can tuck it in the trousers and kids have fun poking my belly too. It's like a jelly (which actually makes me laugh and not upset when they say it) :laugh: Also it kind of looks like my stomach is trying to suck my bellybutton in....black hole springs to mind, lol

OK, I have to laugh about it or I will cry. Thank goodness I'm 31 and have no desire to wear short tops anymore anyway. :smile:


  • Miracle cure is surgery. Sometimes you just have to take your blessings with a grain of salt and live with it. Lots of negative things could come from that type of surgery.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    I'm in exactly the same boat,I have a 'black hole' belly buton too! I wish that there was an option other than surgery (I don't really want to go down that road) but I'm sorry to say I don't think that there is. :frown:
  • janet6567
    janet6567 Posts: 129 Member
    This is one argument for losing slowly and giving your body time to readjust. But even with losing slowly, sometime with a major loss, the skin simply will just not return to "pre-fat" tightness. Surgery, alas, is the only answer to getting rid of loose skin, but it is major surgery and comes with major risks and a long recovery time. I've just decided the sagging tummy and boobs will pull the wrinkles out of my face. . .LOL!!
  • Zuznana
    Zuznana Posts: 284 Member
    I was afraid you will all say surgery. Don't want to do that either.

    I know I lost a lot now, but when it happened before, I just dropped couple of sizes unintentionally after my second child and then was slimming down slowly with the exercise and proper eating with personal trainer.

    I really don't want surgery, I find that risky and can't afford it anyway. But I don't want to live with it either...so no helping myself much, am I? :smile:

    It is not nice thing to live with as some of you know. I don't take my kids swimming because god forbid someone would see that.

    I'm not getting depressed about it that much, but just saying I hoped there is something else I could do.

    I really didn't make it happened with starving myself...it just happened when I started running after the kids, the weight dropped on it's own.....I was still overweight then but already had that. Oh well.....there goes the jelly. lol

    Do you all remember the "Belly's gonna get you" advert? That could be another one of our games, lol
  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    i'm sad for you because i have the same and i'm only 25 :( my belly button area looks lke a bum lol

    i'd recommend a trip around this site...

  • Zuznana
    Zuznana Posts: 284 Member
    Brave women.

    Thank you for the site. I'll have a better brows around when kids are asleep. :smile:
  • I've thought about that too, because I know there's certain spots on my body where it is going to happen. Some people's skin is more resilent and goes back easier than it will for others. I've heard surgery is all that can be done for it, but I've also heard enough horror stories that I don't know if I would want the surgery either. I guess you'd have to decide which bothered you worse--flappy skin or big ol' scars. On my stomach I think I would rather have scars, but on my upper arms, I'm not sure I could live with it.

    I haven't done right by my body for about 15 years and it's showing it's toll. When I lose all this weight, I know my body is not going to let me forget the torture I did to it.

    I guess I will just take it as another battle scar to bear, like the scar of stupidity I got from piercing my eyebrow in college, or the stretch marks my baby left behind.

    History will bear it's witness on my body for the weight gain as well, but maybe I can turn it into a positive thing--a reminder that I should never be so complacent about my health again. I will have plenty of other rewards for the weight loss to console me (so many). I will still have won the battle, even if I take a few losses. ;)
  • Zuznana
    Zuznana Posts: 284 Member
    I've got piercing in my eyebrow.....tried to take it out once and I actually feel very "naked" without it.

    And as for surgery, the scars don't bother me as much as my dilated cardiomyopathy. Not bad, not on medication or anything, but it's there and I think I'm really worried that something would go wrong and I have 2 kids I have to think about. So I think I will go on hating my body, but at least I will be here for my kids. :smile:
  • I know cost can be a concern, but if it's an excessive amount of skin, it may be the only way. I did a lot of shopping/price comparison/free consults before I had my skin removed. I had a tummy tuck, breast lift, and back lift. The quotes for just the tummy tuck ranged from $3000 to $17000!! I ended up having my surgeries performed in three stages with a surgeon who taught for a local university. Not only was it cheaper, but he worked with me to do as much of it in the office as possible to save me as much money as possible. And it looks great! When going through a university situation like I did, you end up letting a LOT of surgery students see your goodies - by the time i was done I wasn't even uncomfortable with that anymore (the nice new bod didn't hurt that, though!!)
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