Hello fellow MFP members! I'm been on my weight loss journey and once a week (typically Sunday) I have a rest day where I don't exercise and eat whatever I want.

After reading "Eating For Life" by Bill Phillips (AMAZING book + over 50 healthy recipes), I have found this method of his effective and great because you never feel as though you have to totally cut anything out of your LIFEstyle.

For the past two weeks though, my rest days and free eating days haven't correlated because of unexpected outings. For example, I would do intense cardio and then go to dinner with a friend and have a high cal meal with dessert. Therefore, that would cancel my free eating day and on Sunday I would take a rest from exercise and eat healthy.

So my questions are:

1. Should my free eating day always correlate with the day I take a rest for exercise?

2. On a rest day from cardio, should I still try to go for a walk or something instead of doing no physical activity at all?

3. Do you think its more beneficial for the rest day to correlate with the free eating day? instead of a daily intensive cardio session + a free eating day?

Hope to hear some advice/feedback from y'all soon! :-)