Lost my period, should I be concerned?

I'm not really sure why this could happen outside of a medical reason - I plan on receiving a doctor's advice as soon as I can.

I could have sworn that I was having PMS symptoms right around the time I should have, but then they faded away and my period never came. But all the bloating and other symptoms that come with PMS left, so I feel normal.

I don't think this is because I'm eating too little? If anything, I eat too much. In the past two weeks I've been consuming around 1,700 to 2,000 calories per day as I get closer to my goal. I currently weigh 113 lbs (weighed in this morning) and I'm 5'5.5".

Obviously a doctor's word will be most beneficial, but is there anyone else who has gone through this? Knows why, maybe?


  • SnazzIT
    SnazzIT Posts: 215 Member
    I'm not really sure why this could happen outside of a medical reason - I plan on receiving a doctor's advice as soon as I can.

    I could have sworn that I was having PMS symptoms right around the time I should have, but then they faded away and my period never came. But all the bloating and other symptoms that come with PMS left, so I feel normal.

    I don't think this is because I'm eating too little? If anything, I eat too much. In the past two weeks I've been consuming around 1,700 to 2,000 calories per day as I get closer to my goal. I currently weigh 113 lbs (weighed in this morning) and I'm 5'5.5".

    Obviously a doctor's word will be most beneficial, but is there anyone else who has gone through this? Knows why, maybe?

    My period has changed since I started to exercise and changed my diet. It is getting closer and lesser, but sometimes I think if maybe I am getting closer to menopause since I am now over 40...better that you go see the doctor, as all women are different when it comes to their hormones...
  • Periods normally have something to do with body fat, I'd say that the fact you are close to being underweight has something to do with this.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member


    Low body fat and high exercise are typical causes. You may also be lacking nutrients to sustain reproductive function.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    How many periods have you missed? I know that it's not uncommon to randomly miss one period, there are a lot of causes for it (and my understanding is that the next one is usually especially heavy, with dark/old blood as well).

    However, yes, talking to the doctor is the best thing to do, especially if you've missed more than one. It may have something to do with decreased body fat, or it could be something entirely different. (Pregnant? :wink:)
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    I'm not really sure why this could happen outside of a medical reason - I plan on receiving a doctor's advice as soon as I can.
    I don't think this is because I'm eating too little? If anything, I eat too much. In the past two weeks I've been consuming around 1,700 to 2,000 calories per day as I get closer to my goal. I currently weigh 113 lbs (weighed in this morning) and I'm 5'5.5".
    According to BMI: http://www.shapeup.org/bmi/bmi6.pdf
    you should be between 115 - 145 lb. So you're underweight, but not terribly so, so I doubt that your body fat is too low to support having a period. Keep eating the higher calories, good nutrition, reduce your cardio (30 min 3 days a week) and do some sensible weightlifting (as I suggested in another of your threads) and you'll gradually put on some muscle and reach a healthy weight. (And look good.)

    I know I gave you that link in one of your other posts, where you thought you were too heavy, and you still have your ticker saying that you want to lose more weight, instead of gaining to be in the healthy BMI range. Hopefully you can discuss your eating disorder with your doctor and get the psych help you need. Even your profile pictures show you as being unhealthfully thin.

    The 2 other main reasons not to have a period would be pregnancy and menopause.
    If either of those isn't possible, I can't make an educated guess.
    (My uneducated guess, not being a doctor, would be a hormone problem or a growth over the mouth of the cervix, like a fibroid. Those are generally not something to worry about, but maybe there is one in just the wrong place?)

    ETA: I forgot stress. With all you're doing to abuse your body, even though you're not terribly underweight yet that could definitely do it - eating too little, exercising too much, trying to lose too much weight (instead of gaining so you're in a healthy range).
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,354 Member
    OP is 20 years old,I don't think it is onset of menopause :wink:

    I presume you have ruled out obvious cause OP - ie pregnancy?
    Or some contraceptives which can reduce or even omit periods altogether - like Depo injections or Implanon?

    Otherwise just see how you go - 1 missed period in itself is no big deal but if it continues, I would get a medical check.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,407 Member
    Well this is a regular process of having an eating disorder. I recall you posting about it a few times, and still wanting to lose weight/cut more calories and/or over exercising.

    So yes, you should be concerned - though not surprised.