Need some help with motivation?

I'm 5`2 and currently weight 125lbs give or take!
I was 112lbs in the summer.

I gained a lot because if binge eating. I'm back university again and that's all I seem to do.
If I say no to junk foods, my flat mate shoves it in my face. She's pretty much a b**** when it comes to me saying no to junk and throws hissy fits and I really don't need the drama with the stress of uni and everything.

Need some friends on here to keep me motivated!

Advice anyone?


  • Hitsujikai
    Hitsujikai Posts: 111 Member
    Saying "No" to someone will always be tough, but you have to stick to your guns.

    I get taken out for lunches a fair amount as part of my job where people are always asking me if I want a dessert and look hurt when I politely decline to have one. Recently a colleague of mine was relentless, all through the meal she was insisting that I was having a dessert and there was nothing I could do about it, even though she knew I am watching what I eat.

    When it came time to order the desserts she again tried to tempt me into getting a dessert and again I politely declined explaining that if I had anything more to eat I would have to go for a run once I got home for me to keep on my weight loss target.

    A couple of months have passed since this incident but she's now noticed that I've lost a fair amount of weight in a relatively small timescale and she is now a member of MFP looking to emulate what I have achieved.

    Moral of the story is: Stick to your guns, say NO and people will adapt to what you are trying to do.
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    People who aren't watching the foods they eat just don't understand do difficult id is for us. Peer pressure follows us all through life unfortunately.
    Try having healthier snack foods handy and when she offers you some of her junk food, politely tell her that you have your own?? not sure how that would work.
    I go through that here. Hubby is always making microwave popcorn so I just bought some of the mini bags for my "fix" because it smells so good when he's eating it.
  • Bzbear2
    Bzbear2 Posts: 109
    definitely stick to your guns! Just say no! :) Explain calmly what you are trying to achieve and move along.

    I imagine that your flatmate is just a bit jealous of your willpower - so make sure not to rub it in her face, just say something like "oh i wish i could - looks so good - but I am trying really hard to eat more healthfully!"
  • murf19
    murf19 Posts: 453 Member
    Hi, Stick to it. Suggest healthy snacks to your flatmate or better yet, have them in the flat at all times. When she pulls out the junk, grab the carrot sticks and say thanks but no thanks to her junk.
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    Do you really need a friend who doesn't have your best interest at heart? Surround your self with people who care and want whats best for you,not want best for them! With friends like that who needs enemys!!! Think about it!:wink:
  • wittlemunchkinx
    You're right I should stick to my guns!
    However, she only does it because she thinks I don't eat. I lost lots of weight through the summer and she noticed and kept saying I've gone anorexic when I was perfectly healthy for my height at weight! (5`2-112lbs).
    I had several weeks of her being b****y about it so that's why I gave in.

    Now I'm doing this secretly. I'm making sure i eat in front of her, so she knows I am eating, but it includes a lot of vegetables, so hopefully she won't noticed I'm not eating the junk that puts the weight on me!

    Thanks for the support guys!
  • gracienkaidens_momma
    I am 5'0 and 125lbs currently. My goal weight is to reach 114-115 lbs by February. That's my optimum/best weight for my height. I know what you mean about friends who just eat whatever and try to pressure you to be like that. Several of mine are constantly telling me I look great and don't need to lose any more weight. They don't understand that I wear skinny jeans that take off about 5 extra pounds and make me look thinner than I really am. My thighs touch one another when I walk (not much but they still do). One of my goals is to lose enough weight and tone up enough that my thighs have a space in between them and don't touch. I'm so tiny that anything I eat makes me grow wide (instead of tall, lol). So I totally feel for you. These same friends are overweight and some are obese and don't care to change their eating and exercise habits at this point. I know exactly how you feel. Stick to your guns and DO YOU!. Tell her to chill out and leave you alone!