elliptical vs treadmill

So I'm curious..... a few years ago I injured my knee and it didn't heal properly. So unfortunately it hurts super bad when I try to use a treadmill most days. But yet I still try for up to 10mins (then it just hurts too much). So instead I been using an elliptical. Is it just as good to use as a treadmill for building cardio and everything? Considering on a treadmill I can't go above 3.5mph and on an elliptical I can go anywhere from 4.2mph-5.3mph consistantly?


  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    I rarely use the treadmill and almost always the elliptical. I have never enjoyed running (even as a kid) b/c it was too hard on my knees and feet. I where a hrm and keep track of my hr.. I find I burn a similar amount of calories. Plus, if you don't find you are working hard enough you can always increase the resistance.
  • smarieallen85
    smarieallen85 Posts: 535 Member
    An elliptical just doesn't do it for me but if you are losing weight it's fine! I tend to think I can get a better workout on a bike over an elliptical (especially during spin class) and always a stair master.
  • almondjoy206
    almondjoy206 Posts: 16 Member
    Well obviously the first time I used an elliptical I HATED it. But this past week it actually has grown on me especially since its easier on my knee that never healed properly. I still try on the treadmill. I've tried jogging around my neighborhood but it just puts my knee I'm pain. I also use the stationary bike at the gym as well occasionally. But I think I burn more dancing and using an elliptical and some weights.....
  • Crimsonbutterfly74
    Crimsonbutterfly74 Posts: 5 Member
    I used to despise the treadmill, but I love it now. I find the treadmill to be kinder to my knees. I wouldn't focus on speed as much as I would focus on endurance and resistance.
  • sistrsprkl
    sistrsprkl Posts: 1,010 Member
    Putting the treadmill at an incline will take pressure off your knees. Instead of running, try walking at the highest incline you can handle. I used to be an elliptical bunny but eventually found them rather useless. Now I either walk at the highest incline or run and do sprint intervals at 1.5-2 incline.
  • almondjoy206
    almondjoy206 Posts: 16 Member
    I have tried at an incline as well. My knee is pretty screwed unfortunately. But at least i still try I guess.
  • Keepcalmanddontblink
    Keepcalmanddontblink Posts: 718 Member
    I love the elliptical as well. As long as you are getting your heart rate up where it needs to be and getting about the same calorie burn as a treadmill, go for the elliptical. You only get one set of knees, so keep them from getting more messed up if you can.
  • almondjoy206
    almondjoy206 Posts: 16 Member
    Honestly I think I get a better burn on the elliptical anyways. I honestly feel great while doing it. Its not something I dread at all. And plus reading while doing it helps me out a lot. Thank you everyone for your input!
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Try mixing it up. I favor the elliptical because it's easier on my knees and I'm super worried about flying off of it if I get too into the movie I'm watching.
  • WonkaCat
    WonkaCat Posts: 42
    I feel like I get a better workout on an elliptical than a treadmill. I work up more of a sweat and like the resistance factor. I got truly bored doing the treadmill even with the incline raised and find the elliptical more enjoyable. Plus, I appear to be less clumsy on the elliptical and haven't knocked my MP3 player off the thing like I was doing weekly on the treadmill. :)
  • TAsunder
    TAsunder Posts: 423 Member
    I have to move pretty quickly on the elliptical to get the same burn as running on a treadmill, based on my HRM data. It makes sense since you are moving your entire weight on a treadmill and not on an elliptical (since it's more or less a ski motion). Much in the same way that it takes a much greater effort to burn as many calories cycling.
  • I hate the treadmill. I have awful knees and it just doesn't do it for me. I used to use the elliptical and it was way better but now I am taking spinning classes and I would definitely recommend them! They are a great workout and boy oh boy does it get your heart pumping. Stick to the elliptical, especially since your knees give you pain but definitely take some cycling classes. They are awesome!
    Good luck! :smile:
  • SGSmallman
    SGSmallman Posts: 193 Member
    For me I use the treadmill for sprint intervals and elliptical for LISS. If i want to run i will try and run outdoors

    Works well :) keeps me from getting bored of one or the other.

    Oh and I had an ACL knee reconstruction a few years back so have to manage my knee too.
  • nicailyzee
    nicailyzee Posts: 183 Member
    We all have different bodies and you have to do what works best for you because at the end of the day you will have the knee to think about. I do a little of everything but I cannot do a long time on the elliptical (three cheers to anyone that can it makes me get very winded) but I can do an hour or more on the treadmill. So to each his own i'm just happy you are burning and dancing is a lot of fun! :happy:
  • getdancing2013
    getdancing2013 Posts: 72 Member
    Kind of in the same boat - bad knees, prior torn calf, prior torn ankle ligaments (twice in same foot), etc....so when I do the treadmill I feel almost limited. With the elliptical I can shift resistance, speed, use my arms more or use legs exclusively, etc.

    I'm worried it's not enough even though I push my heart rate very high and I can barely talk through the hard parts (so I know my exertion is okay), and my S.O. keeps pushing that I should run, but I swear if I could run 20 steps it'd be a miracle. Having the wrong shoes also doesn't hurt.

    I'd say at least stick with something where you (a) won't suffer a huge setback and have to stop, and (b) you'll stick to it because you won't be in a ton of pain all the time.

    On bad pain days, by the way, I take 2 Aleve or some Advil about 45 prior to the workout, and that helps calm the knee pain/joint pain enough to let me get a workout in. Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    The best exercise is the one that doesn't lead to further injury.
  • almondjoy206
    almondjoy206 Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you everyone for the input! Its appreciated! I got little ones I chase all day too so being in pain all the time won't be good for me. I was just curious.if it was.just as good since I feel like I work harder on an elliptical