Stiff neck/sore throat from strain?

Hi all,

I have a bit of a strange question... On Friday I rounded out my usual workout with a little bit of abs. I did the torso twist machine like I do all the time a few assisted crunches and then finally a few vertical knee raises (not hanging). I've just recently gotten back on the workout wagon and I know my core is in bad shape.

So Saturday was a rest day and I spent most of it laying on the couch watching tv. During the evening I noticed that my neck was stiff on one side. I thought maybe it was from the way I was laying on the couch but it's not like I stayed in a weird position for any length of time. I know I have the bad habit of straining my neck when trying to do ab exercises because it's such a weak spot for me.

Then a little later in the night I developed a sore throat. I still have a sore throat today (Monday) but the stiffness in my neck has subsided. Could all this be related to a strain because of my poor form while working out? I would expect the stiff neck but what about the sore throat?

I know the only way to become better is by keeping at it but I'm worried that maybe I really hurt myself. I'm also wondering if I should see how I feel in the next couple of days or if I should make an appointment with the doctor to get tested for strep or something. I work with kids so I can't rule that out completely.

Any advice or ideas would be greatly appreciated!