Day after feast fast

I don't know about you but I am still REALLY full. I am thinking about a fast to help out my overwhelmed insides. I have done a juice fast before with amazing results,but never to recover from over indulgence. Does anyone have any insight on this? Would that be too big of a shock for my system?


  • sallyLunn
    No, it would be fine. Juice fasts are awesome. They can really straighten out your insides.
  • slcobb001
    slcobb001 Posts: 39 Member
    Just stay on the plan....

    Your body won't take in all the calories you ate in one day. The scale will show the bump, just laugh it off and go on with what
    you are doing. Holiday feasts should be planned for and enjoyed...I fast a little BEFORE the holiday so I can relax during the day and enjoy it.

    Good luck on your journey....

  • imarlett
    imarlett Posts: 228 Member
    Juice fast sounds like a plan. I had a small biscuit for breakfast because I will be working in the warehouse today. But after that, its juice and water through the weekend.
  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 321 Member
    I think you'd be fine if you just jumped right back on your regular eating plan.....Overeating for one day won't really do all that much damage. Think of it as giving your body a break from the restriction of calories. Or even a reminder to you (as mine was to me) that overeating does not feel good, and that we feel better eating less.....However, I have done some fasting and it does have some benefits.....Just use fresh juice if you are doing a juice fast. Not the store boughten, sugar filled juices. (Your own juice from your juicer would be best.)
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    I don't think I need any help. I've already pooped like 4 times already today!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhh.
  • sallyLunn
    Sometimes a short fast is really nice. Its amazing how much of the day is devoted to food. Planning food, preparing food, cleaning up after you have food. The craziest thing about about a fast is all the time you have to do something else, like just think.
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    I just upped my exercise this AM, and while I wasn't hungry when I got up (which is really unusual for me :tongue: ), I was starving after I did a 2 hour workout :laugh:
    And while everyone knows their own bodies and what's best for them, one thing to remember is, your still want to be healthy: it may mean that you eat high fibre lo carb high protein today to give your body a break. Fasting is a great idea once in a while, but not the best idea after a nite of overindulgences. When you plan to fast, it is always recommended that the day before eat very lite, lo cal, lo carb meals: if you fast after eating huge meals, your body will hold onto everything & not want to burn it since it thinks it may go into starvation mode (the old feast & famine hunter & gatherer mentality that is in all of us from eons gone by).

    One day in a while to eat a bit more than normal is not going to off-set you: just keep going the way you were before the feast, maybe go for an extra walk or do an extra 20-30 mins of exercise over the next few days. Our bodies are more resilient than we give them credit for: if you keep going it will think of yesterday as a fluke, say "Oh, I need to burn off this and this" and keep going in the good direction you want it to.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I don't think fasts are very good for your body. It can actually slow down your metablism from what I've read in fitness and health magazines. I'd say, just stick with your MFP plan and eat when you're hungry.:-) I sympathize, I felt like a stuffed turkey last night and had the WORST acid reflux. I only ate one meal..... but it was a doozie!*LOL* I feel much better this morning.

  • sallyLunn
    I fast maybe once a year for three days. Let me amend that, I do a juice fast once a year for three days. I pull out the old juicer and make my own juice. Lots of times I put it in the blender with ice and have it that way. You can get plenty of calories this way, heck, if you aren't careful, you can go over. What it does for me is it gives my system a break and I feel more energized when it is over.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I don't think fasts are very good for your body. It can actually slow down your metablism from what I've read in fitness and health magazines.

    WRONG, WRONG WRONG. See the "eat stop eat" thread on here for the correct answers to occasional fasting. Go ahead and fast, doing this 1-2 times a week (not consecutive) helps confuse your metabolism. One person suggested fasting before a family meal, that may lead to binging due to being famished. I would suggest to do what you are doing and fast the day after until about dinner tonight.