


  • joanna_82
    joanna_82 Posts: 151 Member
    I LOVE to run. Mostly I love the social aspect of it, since I am in a club, but also love it for the community aspect (am part of a group who organise a free volunteer based 5k each saturday morning).

    - run 2 x a week. I used to run more but I got a back injury and my body just can't deal with any more right now
    -one run of 5k and one about 6k
    - same each week- about 11k
    - run in asics GT2000 with custom orthotics to prevent hip issues
    - I live in South East London, run in parks and on the roads

    I started running to get fit and to be able to see some achievement. Funnily enough, I used running as an excuse to eat junk, and put on weight the more I ran. Only now I am using a HRM to estimate the calorie burn am I actually using it to help my weight loss.
  • DymonNdaRgh40
    DymonNdaRgh40 Posts: 661 Member

    - How often do you run?
    - How far, on average, do you run each time?
    - How far do you run a week, on average?
    - What running shoes do you wear? (X Country or Minimal etc. / Brand?)
    - Where do you run? (Location in the world and then specifically where!)

    I usually run 5 to 6 days a week. I often do a long run, tempo run, progression run, speed work, and an easy run. Usually 15 to 20 miles per week on average but it gets higher when training for a race. I've been running in Nike Air Maxes for awhile. I like running because I don't need a gym to do it. I live in Los Angeles so I run around my neighborhood. I also love running in Anaheim where my sister lives as there are great trails, and I even like the treadmill. The treadmill helps me sustain a pace. I love running outdoors so much that it's hard for me to focus on keeping a certain pace.
  • whatyouwill
    whatyouwill Posts: 71 Member
    Great to get so many responses guys!

    Last night I did my 5km PB, in 27:05. Nothing special, but I am still around 30lbs shy of my target (210lbs at the moment) so pretty pleased with that!
  • Pudders3
    Pudders3 Posts: 9 Member
    Love this thread!

    -How often do you run?
    I work shifts so it depends, but usually about 3 times a week, with 1-2 yoga sessions on non-running days
    - How far, on average, do you run each time?
    3-4 miles. It's not all running though - I keep getting stuck on week4 of a C25K programme, so it's usually 6 sets of 5 min running about 5.2 mph (slooow) with a minute walking in between. I often "cheat though" and tack on extra minutes to most of the sets, especially the last set as it's downhill! I tagged along with a friend to a personal training session a few weeks ago and with the extra support and coaching I surprised myself by coping with hill sprints and longer intervals, so I have a nasty feeling I need to push myself more that I currently do...
    - How far do you run a week, on average?
    about 15 miles, maybe more depending on intervals
    - What running shoes do you wear? (X Country or Minimal etc. / Brand?)
    Saucony Omnis - men's shoes to fit my big fat clown feet which are a ladies' size 8.5! Bought them after gait analysis and they are the best investment ever - niggling knee aches and pains have just melted away.
    - Where do you run? (Location in the world and then specifically where!)
    UK, in the Nene Valley near Peterborough. There's a forest nature reserve about a 5 min walk from my house, I walk there for my warm up and then do loops round the different trails.

    Running helps with weight loss because it means I can eat more and maintain a deficit, although I need to re-set my ticker after falling off the wagon a few months ago. I also get fitness-tested at work so it's vital for my overall cardio fitness. Plus, I have days when I can't get myself out there, but every time I do I love it xx
  • isthisolivia
    isthisolivia Posts: 37 Member
    I love running so much; i am finding that as i get stronger with some weight and resistence training, my legs are stronger and shin splints are not activated.

    - How often do you run?
    I run from 3-4x a week

    - How far, on average, do you run each time?
    Usually between 2.5-4 miles

    - How far do you run a week, on average?
    About 9-12 miles a week, as high as 15.

    - What running shoes do you wear? (X Country or Minimal etc. / Brand?)
    I love my Adidas Boosts. I feel like im floating with nothing on my feet.

    - Where do you run? (Location in the world and then specifically where!)
    I live in San Francisco which makes for some GREAT hill runs. Hills = strength. Specifically, i run around Dolores Park area, and up through Dolores Heights or around Duboce Park. Sometimes up in Pac Heights. I'm typing this in Evanston, IL visiting family and the flat surfaces and many tree-lined trails are heaven (bunnies everywhere! its like running in Disneyland). I don't run on a treadmill anymore as that caused some pain on my shins. Quit the gym, haven't looked back.

    Running is "Me Time". It's my selfish moment of drowning out the noises. I love it so much and hope to get better.
  • xxharleyquinnxx
    xxharleyquinnxx Posts: 166 Member
    - How often do you run?
    3 times a week usually (sometimes it has been 1 time or 2 times due to the week but I do exercise DVDS too and this is a rarity)

    - How far, on average, do you run each time?
    Aim each time for 5k

    - How far do you run a week, on average?

    - What running shoes do you wear? (X Country or Minimal etc. / Brand?)
    Nike, they are pink too :)

    - Where do you run? (Location in the world and then specifically where!)
    UK and round a field
  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    I run 10k about three to four times a week, cross country through a forest, in Vancouver, B.C., Canada. I got my sport shoes "asics" from a running room. Average 30-40km per week.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    - How often do you run?
    - How far, on average, do you run each time?
    - How far do you run a week, on average?
    - What running shoes do you wear? (X Country or Minimal etc. / Brand?)
    - Where do you run? (Location in the world and then specifically where!)

    I started running about 18 months ago, having had many abortive attempts that fell foul of injury and the wrong shoes. At the moment I'm ramping up to a trail half marathon in October.

    I train four times per week at the moment, with some cycle cross training and a bit of bodyweight resistance training.
    Generally about 40km per week - Three mid week runs averaging about 10Km and one long run at the weekends, 14-18km at the moment
    I use Saucony Hurricane 15 on the road and Excursion on the trail. I've just started using Xodus on the trail but not far yet as I'm transitioning into a lower drop heel
    Southern UK, and London in the week. Generally South Bank, Battersea or St James/ Green/ Hyde parks
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I love to run. I'm just getting back into it, but I have inherited spinal issues and some knee issues, so I have to be very careful. Last year I got too fast for too long and did some damage and had to quit. And because of that, I lost all the muscle mass I'd preserved while losing weight. It sucked. It still sucks.

    - How often do you run?
    I'm aiming for 3 runs a week and 3 leisurely walk/runs with a rest day when I need one.

    - How far, on average, do you run each time?
    I did a 45 minute run last night that was probably 3 miles. My walk runs are about an hour long and I go for four or five easy miles. (Don't laugh, I'm short!)

    - How far do you run a week, on average?
    I haven't done the math.

    - What running shoes do you wear? (X Country or Minimal etc. / Brand?)
    This is a wallet issue right now. I do need better shoes. I like the New Balance that are Made in USA but the ones I have now are wearing out on me and I guess I had fat feet, because it looks like I need to go down half a size.

    - Where do you run? (Location in the world and then specifically where!)
    In the hot and dirty (as in air pollution) south, unfortunately. So I often run at night.
  • jeffininer
    jeffininer Posts: 204 Member
    I started running 4 months into my my weight loss. I hated running before and never did it for fitness or recreation. But, a friend convinced me to sign up for a mother's day 5k, so I figured I'd better start trying. Turned out I had built up my cardio and leg strength enough to run pretty decently. Ever since then I've been hooked. I've found I have ZERO interest in running anything longer than a 10k. But, I enjoy short/fast distances.

    - How often do you run? I try to run 3 to 4 times a week. With the heat and humidity here, it's not been as much.
    - How far, on average, do you run each time? I try to run at least 3 miles. My longest run has been 6.5 and my average run is probably 4 miles.
    - How far do you run a week, on average? Around 10 miles, 18 miles in a good week.
    - What running shoes do you wear? (X Country or Minimal etc. / Brand?) I run with ASICS Gel-Nimbus 15's. But, running shoes are so personal. I'm going to buy another pair or two before they roll out the new models.
    - Where do you run? (Location in the world and then specifically where!) My favorite place to run is on our greenway across the street. But lately it's had to be on the treadmill because of the heat and humidity (Central NC)
  • thesmallestpineapple
    I both love and hate running... love it when I'm out actually doing it, hate it when I'm trying to motivate myself out of my nice comfy house and into the rain!

    Currently running 5-8km Tuesday and Wednesday (tuesdays are easy pace, wednesdays intervals), 10-15km on thursday or friday with a varied pace depending on how my legs feel. No running on saturdays at all at the moment and sundays are long run day (15-30km depending on what I'm training for).

    I have a pair of asics gt-2000 and a pair of mizuno wave inspire that alternates depending on which pair is dry... it rains a lot here.

    I run around Glasgow in Scotland...
  • Spikethered2
    - How often do you run?
    Currently 3 times a week . Getting over an injury that kept me from running for 5 months

    - How far, on average, do you run each time?
    Pre-injury it was between 3 and 21 miles , currently 3-4 miles

    - How far do you run a week, on average?
    Was 40 miles, currently 10

    - What running shoes do you wear? (X Country or Minimal etc. / Brand?)
    Mizuno Nexus Wave 7's

    - Where do you run? (Location in the world and then specifically where!)
    UK , countryside or streets
  • danifarias
    How do you start running? I feel I can walk all day long, but the moment I try running, it's like my lungs are trying to run away from my throat. Yesterday my boyfriend encouraged me to jog in the middle of our walk, and i think i only lasted 10 to 15 seconds. I did 3 "sprints" like that, and although it was fun, i felt like i couldn't breath after!
    I am 90.6 kg right now, 174cm, quite overweight. I think running would help me a lot but i feel so ill after that i don't dream of being able to run a whole minute...
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I just reread my post and realized yet again that I'm a math dunce. I do a slightly under 3 mile 45 minute run and a slightly over 3 mile 1 hour walk/run.
  • thesmallestpineapple
    How do you start running? I feel I can walk all day long, but the moment I try running, it's like my lungs are trying to run away from my throat. Yesterday my boyfriend encouraged me to jog in the middle of our walk, and i think i only lasted 10 to 15 seconds. I did 3 "sprints" like that, and although it was fun, i felt like i couldn't breath after!
    I am 90.6 kg right now, 174cm, quite overweight. I think running would help me a lot but i feel so ill after that i don't dream of being able to run a whole minute...

    You start running by going very slowly and doing very short distances!!
    Generally people start by doing walk/run intervals just like you were doing on your walk... either running between landmarks like lamposts, or on some kind of timed programme like 'couch to 5k' and building things up from there. :)
  • danifarias
    Just googled couch to 5k, color me interested. will start today and see how it goes, thanks :)