stuck in a rut, can't seem to lose any more weight :(

Hi guys i lost all my baby weight and more but now I'm stuck between 61 and 62 kg and can't seem to get past this and reach my final goal of 57kg in time for my wedding in 5 weeks time. Any tips would be much appreciated. Thanks


  • Hi, I don't know what you eat every day, but you could try having protein shakes for breakfast and an egg, and eat dinner on time (~7pm). Drink lots of water and sip a cup or two of green tea during daytime. Hope this helps.
  • mikevandewetering
    mikevandewetering Posts: 155 Member
    Do you weight your food? what is your BF? what is your TDEE? Do you do carb refeeds? More info would be nice so we can give you better advice.

    - Weight your food (and also do not forget to log your drinks)
    - Eat bellow Maintaince (i recommend 10-15% bellow)
    - Lift hard and heavy (and no you won't get bulky)
    - Drink a lot of water
    - Use carbs refeeds (only when you are allready pritty lean)
    - Do HIIT on days when you do not lift heavy weights