Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme hybrid - part 2

Looks like Deb's thread has maxed out so I'm starting a new one for us. Come join me as we continue our journey through 2 of Chalene Johnson's best workout programs...Turbo Fire and Chalean Extreme.

So yesterday, in anticipation of dinner at my parents, I did Fire 60 and burned 678 calories...my highest burn yet! Had a great dinner with the family and tasted whatever I wanted (one taste, one plate only). Felt great and not too stuffed.

Woke up this morning to jump on the evil scale...up 1 lb so off to press play. Did HIIT 25 and Fire 30...burned 499 calories! Feel great and back on track. Shakeology is in the fridge chilling and I'm off to have a relaxing pedicure before tackling the other chores today. Hubby wants to start putting up the tree later today.

Hope everyone is having a great day!
