5.2 NOT COUNTING on feed days???

XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
Hi everyone,

I know there is a 5.2 group for this but I don’t seem to get much response off those boards. I have just started 5.2 reason been i obsess way too much over calorie counting, I have been doing weight watchers for 4 years now then MFP for 6 months with very little break between the two and its got the point were im totally obssesed and im actually sabotaging myself.

I feel that this plan is a tad less obsessive and that maybe the issue I have why im not now at target is because I have always been on a diet and never actually listening to my body. My TDEE is 2100calories for the feed days, at the moment on MFP I eat 1600 a day and then tend to have a little more on the weekends so I know I would be ok on this amount.

I have Been conting long enough to know portion sizes and concsiously make healty descions I eat low carb high protein (my preferance way of eating) lots of veggies and fruits so feel I would be ok. The weekend I do like my vodka diet cola and chocolate but I feel it all balances it out as I don’t tend to eat much through week…I intend on counting the 2 fast days obviosuly but on the feed days im going to listen to my body eat when hungry write this down then log in fitness pal
End of the day I will do this for the first 2 weeks just to make sure im eating the right amounts not going too over ect then eventually stop the counting on those days allthroegther. Also due to my obsession I only will weigh msyelf once a month so it’s a bit scary trying this plan out But I feel it will be a more relaxed way of eating for me, just wondering if anyone has had sucsess with 5.2 not and NOT counting on feed days?



    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I wish I had positive feedback on not logging my food, but I don't . I have to log even if I am on a plan that the creator of tells me I don't need to log. You can always try it and adjust later.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    If you wish not to log or count your intake, then don't.....

    My only thing would be don't come back in here in 4 weeks and start a post that starts off like "Help Me!!! I am not losing weight"

    :laugh: :laugh:
    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    thanks for the reply hun...i know its all trial and error and everyone is different

    anyone else???
    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    If you wish not to log or count your intake, then don't.....

    My only thing would be don't come back in here in 4 weeks and start a post that starts off like "Help Me!!! I am not losing weight"

    :laugh: :laugh:

    Thanks most helpful reply i have had since been on these forums!...im not a idiot obviously if i did gain weight then i know why!
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Good Luck, have fun and experiment then. :wink:
  • adopp062715
    adopp062715 Posts: 93 Member
    I believe that if you think not counting your food on feed days will help you break the cycle of obsessing and sabotaging then do it. I have done 5:2 in the past and it worked. I did not do it correctly because you are supposed to eat at maintenance on the 5 days but I tried to diet as well and I don't think that worked correctly for me. But a lot of people get really good results from doing it. Just know that the less weight you have to lose the harder it is for this to work. It seems to work best, initially, for people who have more fat to lose. I would give it a few weeks, like a month, to know if it is really working.
  • crispsandwich
    crispsandwich Posts: 177 Member
    My other half does 5/2 with good results and doesn't log anything - I can't as I need to log (obsessed me thinks!)

    good luck x
    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    thanks everyone for all the helps and tips! like i said i just want help with all the obsession well i'am having help tomorrow so i will put forward this suggestion see what he says.

    thanks again
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    yes there are people who do 5:2 and eat sensibly on the 5 days. http://forum.fastday.com/ should help.

    Are you 100% sure of the 2100, if not shooting a little lower may be advisable.
  • jquijas
    jquijas Posts: 222 Member
    "healthy decisions I eat low carb high protein (my preferred way of eating) lots of veggies and fruits so feel I would be ok."

    Not knowing what fruits and veggies you are eating, so this isn't a blast, but I would suggest looking at the fruits and veggies, eating lots of them might not = low carbs. Just a suggestion.
    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    sorry my idea of low carb is 40% but all carbs come from veggies and fruit :)
    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    yes there are people who do 5:2 and eat sensibly on the 5 days. http://forum.fastday.com/ should help.

    Are you 100% sure of the 2100, if not shooting a little lower may be advisable.

    thanks will check the link
  • ladyofthelakeontario
    ladyofthelakeontario Posts: 36 Member
    My walking partner and I are both doing 5:2. I'm logging. She's not. We are both losing. I'm losing at a faster rate at this point, but she's losing consistently. If I remember correctly, she is limiting herself to veggies and berries on her fast days, so I think that's how she's keeping her calories down.
  • I have lost 24lbs on the 5:2. Most of the time I do not log, however, if I get stuck or run through a tricky patch, I start to log again for a few days to get me back on track.

    I am not sure that you should go a whole month without weighing yourself - for me, my weight is the only way I know if I am getting it right. And it is when my weight is not coming off or maybe creeping up a bit, that I know to start logging again and recheck where I am.

    Hope it works for you whatever you decide. :)
  • stephreed11
    stephreed11 Posts: 158 Member
    I'm trying this again starting tomorrow (I only did it for a week the last time). ????
    I know it's totally mental though & I just need to try harder. Good luck! Feel free to add me if you want. I plan to only track on fast days though, since I think the beauty of this "diet" is to not have to count 7 days a week!
  • michikade
    michikade Posts: 313 Member
    I can understand the obsessing thing. A friend of mine got so obsessed about counting calories once that she was literally trying to burn every calorie she took in and had to quit logging all together because of it.

    So long as you eat sensibly and eat enough during your feed days you should be ok, but on the flip side of the coin it may be difficult to eat enough if you've been dieting for a significant period of time and aren't used to eating close to or at maintenance. So I would suggest as a compromise to maybe pick a random day even after the first couple weeks to track, just to make sure you're still on track. This is what I would have to do if I went 5:2 -- I find if I skip a day tracking and input all of my food after I've gotten in bed at night, sometimes I overdo it but sometimes I'm at around 800-1000 calories because my "sensible choices" were so low calorie I went under (2 cups of fresh spinach, plus some tomatoes, cucumber, carrots, etc is a crap-ton of food but waaaaaaaay too little in calories sometimes, hahaha).

    Just a thought / suggestion. Best of luck :)
  • I done the 5/2 for 2 months and lost 3 stone .. Its a good diet and really works. Its soooo much better then calorie counting. You dont feel fatigued, you dont get obsessed and after a week you get used to the lower calorie intake for the 2 days. I literally ate what i liked on the 5 days.

    Alot of people will tell you to choose 2 days throughout the week as if you work it will take up your time, however i did one on Tuesday and the other Sunday. Doing a Sunday stopped me binge eating and i think that was how i lost the weight.
  • a_pdx1990
    a_pdx1990 Posts: 6
    How does the 5:2 work?????????????