My Get Up and Go seems to have Got Up and Went

So............ here I am 699 days in....... 31 days to go til 2 years and I have so totally lost the plot.

I am the same weight I was a year ago, but 6lbs heavier than Christmas - so that makes a total 4.5 stone loss now but I managed 5 stone before..... maintenance sucks!

I have a new job where I am mentally challenged every day and I am finding that I am so mentally tired, all my willpower has disappeared in a chocolate poooof...... physically tired too but with the extra calories you would think that would allievate it.

A lot of my MFP friends have fallen by the wayside or are here but no longer actively logging - and that includes my husband who also reached his goal last October and has kept his 3.5 stone off fine......... (grrrr..... but I am proud of him). I am losing the daily will to carry on logging but I KNOW that if I stop the weight will creep back on further.... and I really do not want that to happen. I cannot afford to buy bigger clothes after having two new wardrobes the past two years!!

If anyone out there feels the same and needs a new friend to continue plodding on this journey up a mountain to hopefully wwwhhhhhhiiizzzzzzz down the other side, please feel free to add me!!!


  • tenaciousdee78
    tenaciousdee78 Posts: 29 Member
    You've come too far to let it all go now! Don't give up you've lost a tremendous amount of weight well done
    you can do it!
  • jsheter
    jsheter Posts: 13 Member
    I stopped logging last year for a variety of reasons: job stress, I felt good about how I looked, my clothes fit fine, travel for work, possible move out of state, life in general, etc. In May of this year I realized clothes were a bit tight, I could not remember the last time I worked out or logged food. I began using MFP daily and am back on track. I had to be disgusted with where I was to get me back on track. We are all here for you and let me tell you now--listen to our words and do not wait as long as I did! You can do this and you ARE doing this. Get back in there logging and walking and it will keep happening for you, too!
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    I know the feeling. Not that that helps. But, you are not alone.
  • roxanethree
    roxanethree Posts: 78 Member
    I'm exactly the same. I've gained 12lbs from my lowest. I'm still doing weights and running (planning my first 1/2 marathon at the end of summer), but my food is ridiculous. I think I need to go back on my journals from a year ago when I was still trying to lose to see the difference. For some reason I started thinking that baking was a good idea again as well as wine on the weekends (which leads to lots of chocolate etc.) Anyway, feel free to add me. Today is a new day that I'm starting over. I'll keep doing this until it sticks again.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I have only been in maitenance for about 10 weeks but I still log daily, stay in goal and exercise just like I did...actually probably more.

    I have a mentally draining job as well and that is why I do gives me the energy I need to do what needs done...otherwise I would be a lump on the sofa every night.

    I bake all the time, have my fun on the weekends ie parties, bbq etc.

    If you need friends who are still keen feel free to add me...
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    You have done great!

    I don't think of it as an act of will - it's just a habit like brushing my teeth. Which I ALSO don't always feel like doing, but do anyway.

    Can you get it more into a routine so that you do something like check your email in the morning, log breakfast. Check at lunch, log. Check facebook or whatever before bed and log? In other words, build it into your routines so that it's not as effortful?

    P.S. My husband - after two years farting around - has finally actually started to log religiously and has lost 18 pounds in 8 weeks. It makes it so much easier with two doing it. Can you get your husband back into the routine?
  • foodequalshappy
    foodequalshappy Posts: 31 Member
    Sorry, I just stopped coz I liked the title :).

    But now that I am here: I got to my goal weight a year ago or so, and stopped using MFP and WLR. I then proceeded to gain 2 pounds a month for a year of not logging or weighing myself. I am now at my heaviest EVER. I wasn't this heavy while pregnant :( and trying to start all over again.

    Moral of the story: You don't want to be me! You want to be awesome you so find that get up and go!
  • joyfuljoy65
    joyfuljoy65 Posts: 317 Member
    You have done great!

    I don't think of it as an act of will - it's just a habit like brushing my teeth. Which I ALSO don't always feel like doing, but do anyway.

    Can you get it more into a routine so that you do something like check your email in the morning, log breakfast. Check at lunch, log. Check facebook or whatever before bed and log? In other words, build it into your routines so that it's not as effortful?

    P.S. My husband - after two years farting around - has finally actually started to log religiously and has lost 18 pounds in 8 weeks. It makes it so much easier with two doing it. Can you get your husband back into the routine?

    I am still logging, but not with the enthusiasm i had even 6 mths ago. It is part of my routine, I still weigh everything too. But i can feel that sense of achievement drifting away as this becomes normal.... Perhaps I am addicted to the thrill of losing - I have read and contributed to other threads where that is discussed - or perhaps I just need a kick up the rear-end!

    It is easier with two, and my husband bless him, does weigh stuff still if he prepares a meal for both of us. He just doesn't feel the need to log and weigh for himself.... And he has kept off the weight for 10 mths so he is probably right?! I am more data driven!

    Thank you for all your comments - and it is helpful to know its not just me!
  • thyella
    thyella Posts: 21 Member
    I have felt the same way for the last 15 years. I have tried weight watchers, hypnosis deleted most sweets and junk from my house. I work out regularly etc... I have lost 20 in the last 2 years. I started a program with my local hospital since my blood sugars are creeping up and they have put me on a seriously low carb diet. I have my food diary set to 20 grams per day and that is horrible, I can eat as much protein and vegetables as possible (no fruit) and I can have good fats. I am working out harder and changed up my regular exercises to circuit training. My weight is starting to move a little. I have cravings but am not hungry because the protein digests slower. to sum it up you are not alone... Maybe change what you are doing around a bit, but don't stop logging on and don't give up. I may not be losing anything but with the increased exercise I have dropped inches although I have to go weigh in on Thursday and pray I have lost some pounds. Hang in there.
  • maleckathryn
    I absolutely feel yoru pain. I lost 107lbs in 14 months on WW. Not i have put back on 25lbs. Maintenance almost seemed harder then losing, becuase theres alawys that, Oh maybe i can have this, or just alittle of that. Or maybe ills kip the gym tonight. Also i used a few injuries to majorly stall my excersize program.

    Since getting back on track all of a sudden the weight will not drop. I am kicking up my excersize and closely measuring food/alcohol intake. Hopefully i can start losing and get back where i was. its very discouraging sometimes. Im just happy I caught myself before its to late. A quote i always loved, but seemed to have forgotten during my maintance was as follows:

    "You cant expect to lose weight one way, and keep it off another".

    I<3 the immediate response of the MFP community. I plan to use it more often for support sytem. Thanks.
  • xmichaelyx
    xmichaelyx Posts: 883 Member
    I have a new job where I am mentally challenged every day

    If you say that in the States, people will think you've just been elected to Congress. ;-)
  • CagedBirdSings
    CagedBirdSings Posts: 34 Member
    I can't offer you any maintenance tips but I can relate to having a stressful job and how it sucks all of your energy. Make sure the job is worth the wear and tear on your body. We always think we can manage it all, but if I had it to do over again I would probably have taken a different path. I was slim and trim and active when I started the job in my late 20s. Ten years later I was 60 lbs. overweight. If you're going to work your tail off at something, find something you LOVE doing. The kind of stress that leaves you ignoring your self-care is not good stress.
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    Maintaining is way harder than losing, in my opinion. I don't feel skinny anymore, I just feel normal and average again. Watching over one's weight takes energy. Sometimes I just want to cast all my cares aside like I used to.

    BUT THEN...

    I ask myself "Do you want to stay at this weight, or not? You're free to just relax like you used to, but you'll have to expect to gain weight." and I KNOW that isn't what I want and I want to stay where I am. So that's what keeps me going. Plus being in good shape and having better health has been a good motivator, too.
  • Michal833
    Michal833 Posts: 90 Member
    I too have stopped logging after reaching and exceeding my goal. I am maintaining my weight. It is 4 months now. I stopped logging about a month ago. I weigh myself at least once a day. If the scale goes up, I cut back. Will this work or am I doomed to gain it all back?
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    You have done great!

    I don't think of it as an act of will - it's just a habit like brushing my teeth. Which I ALSO don't always feel like doing, but do anyway.

    Can you get it more into a routine so that you do something like check your email in the morning, log breakfast. Check at lunch, log. Check facebook or whatever before bed and log? In other words, build it into your routines so that it's not as effortful?
    This all the way. For me weighing my food, logging, watching portion control, and exercising is such a habit that I can't imagine my life without it. Before using the tools here, I halfway did everything. Now I go all the way and it makes a difference.

    OP, you have lost a lot of weight. You get back on the wagon right now and start back on your journey! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • joyfuljoy65
    joyfuljoy65 Posts: 317 Member
    You have done great!

    I don't think of it as an act of will - it's just a habit like brushing my teeth. Which I ALSO don't always feel like doing, but do anyway.

    Can you get it more into a routine so that you do something like check your email in the morning, log breakfast. Check at lunch, log. Check facebook or whatever before bed and log? In other words, build it into your routines so that it's not as effortful?
    This all the way. For me weighing my food, logging, watching portion control, and exercising is such a habit that I can't imagine my life without it. Before using the tools here, I halfway did everything. Now I go all the way and it makes a difference.

    OP, you have lost a lot of weight. You get back on the wagon right now and start back on your journey! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Yes M'am. :happy:
  • 321debo
    321debo Posts: 9 Member
    when you got to goal and started maintenance, what happens w/your calories, do they go up some?
  • Xena2780
    Xena2780 Posts: 1
    Like everyone else that replied I am so there. New maintenance several weeks but it is becoming very clear to me that if I want to maintain this weight there are certain things I have to do. Portion control, moderation, tracking what I eat, and exercise. My struggle is finding the balance. Not stressing myself out but finding a balance. This was my first summer and it is hard. All the BBQs, lunches and dinners, weddings, etc. However, I have learned to plan my indulgences. All other times I'm working my program as best I can. I come to forums like this an share my struggles, my NSV and receive support and encouragement to make it another day. Some days I don't exercise, some days I don't track my food, some days my portion control is off - the key I am trying to work with is not letting that some day, one meal, etc. multiply..
  • ianthy
    ianthy Posts: 404 Member

    I have been in maintenance for a few weeks now and the realisation that I will always need to watch my food, weigh in, check cals, log on MFP and work out dawned on my last week and I had a dip. I managed to keep logging and work thru it - a year ago I would have gone AWOL for 6 months! This is the only way that I can maintain my weight. Every time I go to the gym or work out I am not full of beans or excited but just accept that it needs to be done. You have done really well and will find a way thru it.
  • SimaN2014
    SimaN2014 Posts: 23 Member
    OK, back on the wagon!! You did an amazing job and worked really hard to get here. Don't let work throw a spanner in the works of your personal health.

    What you could try... Step 1: go back into weight loss mode. You can lose those 6 lbs by X-mas. Then that will be another year of maintenance checked off successfully. Step 2: log for another 3 months or so. Try to find that maintenance point where you really do maintain. And then decide how many pounds up or down you are willing to go. Maybe 2 or 3? Step 3: stop logging, don't go too crazy, weigh once a week or once every 2 weeks. If you cross your threshold and stay crossed for a week or so (taking into account water weight fluctuations) start logging again and lose the 2 pounds. At least it would be different and you wouldn't be logging all the time if it gets tedious for you.

    Find something else you really enjoy and treat yourself with that instead of the food when you are tired. Or, start working on fitness goals more to change things a little.