why am i gaining weight

I am 38 years old I'm 5ft and weigh 106lbs I have been ill for over a year and had an emergency operation on January to remove my gallbladder, I lost a lot of weight due to this was down to 6st 9, as I recovered I gradually put the weight back on which I didn't mind, I have always had a problem with how I look as I suffered from anorexia and bullemia for a long time, so any weight gain always feel Luke a huge amount, but recently I have been eating more healthy and walking 2-3 Times a day for roughly 1-2 hours at a time and I seem to be gaining weight every day, I don't understand, am I doing something wrong, this is seriously freaking me out and all I wantto do is stop eating again and start taking lacitives again but I know I am doing more harm than good If I go down that road again I just feel lost and confused and need some help and reassurance. I hope someone can help me get through this I would grately appreciate and help and advice.

Thank you x


  • leahraskie
    leahraskie Posts: 260 Member
    Your body might be trying to reach equilibrium weight again, it's usually where you are most healthy. It also could be muscle mass. Don't panic!
  • kimnsc
    kimnsc Posts: 560 Member
    Are you watching your calorie intake? Weighing and measuring EVERYTHING to ensure you are eating at maintenance? It could be that you are gaining muscle. Don't panic.
  • klaff411
    klaff411 Posts: 169 Member
    I am 38 years old I'm 5ft and weigh 106lbs I have been ill for over a year and had an emergency operation on January to remove my gallbladder, I lost a lot of weight due to this was down to 6st 9, as I recovered I gradually put the weight back on which I didn't mind, I have always had a problem with how I look as I suffered from anorexia and bullemia for a long time, so any weight gain always feel Luke a huge amount, but recently I have been eating more healthy and walking 2-3 Times a day for roughly 1-2 hours at a time and I seem to be gaining weight every day, I don't understand, am I doing something wrong, this is seriously freaking me out and all I wantto do is stop eating again and start taking lacitives again but I know I am doing more harm than good If I go down that road again I just feel lost and confused and need some help and reassurance. I hope someone can help me get through this I would grately appreciate and help and advice.

    Thank you x

    First off, you need to set a realistic goal and remember that weight loss starts in the kitchen. Exercise is great but it doesn't burn 1000s of calories.

    Water weight can be deceptive. But you need to determine calories and create a reasonable deficit. Then follow it. Stop harming yourself. I have ED also but the best thing you can do is remove all the trigger foods out of your house - you know what I mean.
  • Amandatkm
    Amandatkm Posts: 3
    I bet its more about the chemicals in your body from the anethesia and the loss of your gall bladder. I had mine out in 2006 and it has been a whole new set of rules. Fats are great for clearing out digestive issues (ahem), now. And apparently, after a gall bladder or appendix removal, it is common to gain belly fat. Who knew? The stresses about the new routines and healing from surgery must have played a part. And, sadly, getting older, the rules change, yet again. :)
  • varoadstter
    varoadstter Posts: 4 Member
    First of all, from the sound of your posts you are not someone who should be trying to watch and/or manage your weight without at least some form of real support system rather than just reaching out to people on a community forum (as nice as things are here, generally). With your personal history and your stating that you are considering dangerous methods to deal with your weight I humbly suggest that you have a nutritionist and a counselor working with you.

    I won't even begin to try and guess what might be causing your gains as there's simply too many variables to consider and you are not a typical case since you are recovering from surgery. It does sound that you are interested in working as hard as it takes to take control of things which is a great place to start. Exercising is wonderful regardless of your results. Walking is still highly underrated as a way to burn calories - probably because it isn't as dramatic as running triathlons or crossfit or any of the other "in" activities these days.

    If you need a place to start, then logging honestly what you are eating and the exercise you are doing should be step one. Only when you can look at what you are putting in can you understand how your results are meeting or not meeting your expectations. There's ample information here on what you calories in data should be and drilling down into the data beyond just carbs/fat/protein could reveal some problems with your diet.

    I wish you the best of luck. Please, oh please, don't try to do this all on your own. Your history suggests that you have difficulties with this that make it dangerous for you to handle this by yourself.
  • Thank you so much for your help and replies everyone, it's grately appreciated, I'm hoping it is just muscle and water gain as none of my clothes are fitting me anymore, I'm just a bit stressed out as to why I'm gaining when I'm exercising, hopefully I should notice some positive results in a couple of weeks or so.
    I have been logging everything I eat and drink, I'm not weighing my food so think I will start that, the treats around the house are hard to hide as I have 4 children so there are far too many temptations and I have a very sweet tooth.
    I feel I have recovered from my ED, but do have temptations when my weight goes up, I tried a councillor before and I felt he made things 10 times worse, my partner is great support and he is helping me through this, I don't necessarily want to lose weight but to trim and tone, but when my clothes 're getting tighter it's hard to understand what's happening to my body as I feel I am doing good by eating healthy and exercising.
    Thank you again for all your help and advice x