Your worst exercise?



  • EmpressZhark
    EmpressZhark Posts: 26 Member
    The split squats my physio is making me do. Horrible, horrible exercises, and that’s just with bodyweight. I’d hate to have to do it with extra weight on top! The only reason I carry on doing them is because it will help with the IT band issues I have, so that’s motivation enough.

    Also push ups are evil. I can’t do them, even on my knees, and I don’t have the patience to keep practising. I know they’re meant to be good for me & all the rest of it, but I feel like a total failure not even doing one properly, that it’s demoralising to try and practice and do any more.
  • asjt678
    asjt678 Posts: 60 Member
    pushups and burpees. BURPEES are the worse though
  • PAtinCO
    PAtinCO Posts: 129 Member
    Running. I just don't enjoy it. I'd literally rather do back to back month 2 Insanity workouts than run for 30 minutes.
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    The split squats my physio is making me do. Horrible, horrible exercises, and that’s just with bodyweight. I’d hate to have to do it with extra weight on top! The only reason I carry on doing them is because it will help with the IT band issues I have, so that’s motivation enough.

    Also push ups are evil. I can’t do them, even on my knees, and I don’t have the patience to keep practising. I know they’re meant to be good for me & all the rest of it, but I feel like a total failure not even doing one properly, that it’s demoralising to try and practice and do any more.

    I like split squats because of the cannon ball glutes I have after. Lol.
  • Chaskavitch
    Chaskavitch Posts: 172 Member
    The split squats my physio is making me do. Horrible, horrible exercises, and that’s just with bodyweight. I’d hate to have to do it with extra weight on top! The only reason I carry on doing them is because it will help with the IT band issues I have, so that’s motivation enough.

    Also push ups are evil. I can’t do them, even on my knees, and I don’t have the patience to keep practising. I know they’re meant to be good for me & all the rest of it, but I feel like a total failure not even doing one properly, that it’s demoralising to try and practice and do any more.

    I like split squats because of the cannon ball glutes I have after. Lol.

    This^. Bulgarian split squats hurt so bad, but they're so good for you. Burpees are...actually kind of fun (don't worry, I already know I'm weird).

    I hate high knees. I landed wrong once and sprained my ankle, so I am way too tentative when I have to do them at tae kwon do. I just feel like I look dumb, too :)
  • Wookinpanub
    Wookinpanub Posts: 635 Member
    Worst - pull/chin ups. I haven't attempted since I was 14 in gym class. I could do any and everyone laughed at me.

    Favorite: Doing the nasty
  • tripleAfit
    tripleAfit Posts: 2 Member
    burpees...i feel like a an uncoordinated beach whale LOL Oh and box jumps. I won't even do it haha landed on my face xP

    as far as push ups i always did them on my knees. I recently hired a kinesiologist just for 1x a month with programs for rehabbing purposes BUT she told me push ups on knees is the worst for training the posterior chain.

    She has me doing them on inclines or using those boxes. I'm really feeling the difference and as it gets easier I will eventually lower the height of these boxes until eventually (the ultimate goal) I'm doing full on push ups on the ground. Hope that gives you some help with push ups :)
  • bluestarlight19
    bluestarlight19 Posts: 419 Member
    Regular squats. I have balance issues and I can only do BW right now because I tend to fall over a lot and don't want to do that while holding weights. Also, bad knee. I can always tell if I had bad form that day by if my knee is throbbing the next day or not. today, both of them are....and I didn't even fall over this time, lol!
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    Pull ups and chin ups. So weak.... I want to be able to do them so bad! Some people have told me that some women will never be able to do a pull up that it is genetically impossible. I refuse to believe that. But that does not change the fact that currently I am unable to do even 1/

    and I'll throw burpees in there as a close second. But this is more for a pure hatred of the exercise.

    @tripleAfit thanks for the tip. Did not know that.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Mountain Climbers
    Jump Squats

    ...but I still do them all.

    I've been trying to do a single chip-up for a couple of months with little progress, but I don't hate them. Doing momentum/band chin-ups and negative pull-ups isn't too bad. I just wish I could do the real thing already.

    I like push-ups and even burpees. Deadlifts are by far my favorite exercise - only because they make me feel badass.
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    Pull ups and chin ups. So weak.... I want to be able to do them so bad! Some people have told me that some women will never be able to do a pull up that it is genetically impossible. I refuse to believe that. But that does not change the fact that currently I am unable to do even 1/

    and I'll throw burpees in there as a close second. But this is more for a pure hatred of the exercise.

    @tripleAfit thanks for the tip. Did not know that.

    Whoever said that is an idiot. Work on strengthening your lats and do negative pullups. If you have poor posture (I did, still do a bit) work on rolling your shoulders back and down during lat exercises.
  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    Lunges. I just can't do them fluidly.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    Burpees -- they make me dizzy and light headed. Jump squats are the second worst -- they kill my knees.
  • Chaskavitch
    Chaskavitch Posts: 172 Member
    Pull ups and chin ups. So weak.... I want to be able to do them so bad! Some people have told me that some women will never be able to do a pull up that it is genetically impossible. I refuse to believe that. But that does not change the fact that currently I am unable to do even 1/

    and I'll throw burpees in there as a close second. But this is more for a pure hatred of the exercise.

    @tripleAfit thanks for the tip. Did not know that.

    Just want to say, girls can ABSOLUTELY do pull ups. I can do like 10, and I'm not exceptionally strong. I just love doing pull ups, so I do them almost every time I'm at the gym :)

    Try jumping up so you're at the top of a pull up motion on the bar, and then hold yourself up for as long as you can. Even when you start to "fall", try to do so slowly, so you're kind of doing a reverse pull up motion. It does wonders for your back and bicep strength, plus you'll get better at the motion itself. Also, lat pull-downs help, especially if you use the same grip you'd use doing a pull up (ie: shoulder width vs wide grip vs close grip.)
  • xmusicloverr
    xmusicloverr Posts: 100 Member
    Pushups, with burpees as a close second. My arms are so incredibly weak that whenever I do a pushup, I'm afraid that my arms are gonna give and I'm gonna bust my lip :(
  • bigsistruck
    bigsistruck Posts: 125 Member
    Which is your worst exercise?
    I used to hate push ups because I couldn't do them, I can still only do push ups on my knees but I am better than I used to be at them. I HATE burpees too and Jillian michaels likes to throw them in her workouts.
    I am currently hating side planks too lol

    YES...push ups and side planks are horrible and are probably my two worst exercises. I'd also add in standing side bends and that stupid speed bag move with your arms in kickboxing workouts.