
Okay, I don't usually like to start new topics, and I don't hang out in these boards much, if at all.

With that being said, I'm curious to see if anybody's doing the south beach diet?

I thought I had been on every diet known to man, but it seems this one slipped by me without notice.

My doctor highly recommends it, so I'm trying to learn all there is to know about it before jumping in.

So if your doing this what do you think?

Any pointers?


  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    I had tried it years ago and while the food was tasty, I didn't stick with it. I am now a firm believer in not "dieting" but in eating a balanced nutritious diet and exercise. I don't cut any food group out, I just choose wisely. I still have to occasional baked treat, I use sugar in my coffee but way less and I exercise to earn those treats. That is a plan I can follow for life. :wink: A "diet" will get old and restrictive and most people fall right back into old ways and gain the weight right back.:grumble:
  • PolkaDot88
    PolkaDot88 Posts: 71 Member
    My mom and sister are fad diet experts - they yo-yo from one to another with cycles of gaining and losing weight. They're doing the South Beach diet right now and it seems like the most reasonable of the ones they've been on, AND it was recommended by my mom's doctor. So, it's better than most diets, but like Aeriel said, it's still a diet, and what you should be aiming for is a lifestyle change. Use the principles of the south beach diet for sure, but concentrate on broad lifestyle changes. My humble opinion :)
  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    I agree with aeriel. I've found that eating a balanced diet and watching my calories works best. I've lost 38 pounds, but I've got a long way to go, so I need something that will work for me for the long haul. Yesterday (Thanksgiving), I ate what I wanted... and was stuffed. When I got home I figured out I had consumed around 800 calories for that meal. So......... I did 2 hours of exercising to compensate for the extra calories, including stationary bike, treadmill, and more snow shoveling. I ate normally for the other meals and snacks. I wont deprive myself of something I like, cause it will come back to bite me. I have a chocolate day once a week and still stay under my calories for the day.
  • chocolatnoir
    chocolatnoir Posts: 182 Member
    I have tried South Beach in the past, and noticed quick weight loss during Phase 1. However, Phase 1 is very hard and I found that once I re-incorporated foods in Phase 2 and if I had a couple of "off days" the weight piled back on. It was probably all water weight, anyway. So these days I prefer to stick with balance and moderation, to monitor my calories and to exercise regularly. There will be good days and occasional bad days, but as long as the majority of days are "good days" then weight is manageable.
    It is the only truly realistic way of living for me!

    I have a friend who does South Beach. She lost weight and is in Phase 3, but she is a lot more disciplined than I am!
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I have tried EVERY diet on the planet in my past . . . and they are just that . . . a diet that you cannot sustain for life so any results you get are quickly gone the moment you go off the diet.
    I have lost 45 pounds by being faithful to MFP and moving more. I try to stay within my targets for each micronutrient (fat, carbs, and sugar) and make sure that I get in enough protein as well.

    If you stick to a few "golden rules" you will see results:
    #1 maintain your daily calorie limit to within 100 calories
    #2 drink a minimum of 8-10 glasses of water each day
    #3 move more, aim for 30 minutes of exercise at least 4 times per week
    #4 Everything in moderation, have a treat or a drink on occasion, but only have a small portion
    #5 measure and weigh every morsel, keep those portion sizes in check

    If you make the above lifestyle changes you are not on a "diet" because this should be maintained for life, for your health and longevity.

    Good luck!
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    I had tried it years ago and while the food was tasty, I didn't stick with it. I am now a firm believer in not "dieting" but in eating a balanced nutritious diet and exercise. I don't cut any food group out, I just choose wisely. I still have to occasional baked treat, I use sugar in my coffee but way less and I exercise to earn those treats. That is a plan I can follow for life. :wink: A "diet" will get old and restrictive and most people fall right back into old ways and gain the weight right back.:grumble:

    Best response I've seen on here to date! :-)
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    I had tried it years ago and while the food was tasty, I didn't stick with it. I am now a firm believer in not "dieting" but in eating a balanced nutritious diet and exercise. I don't cut any food group out, I just choose wisely. I still have to occasional baked treat, I use sugar in my coffee but way less and I exercise to earn those treats. That is a plan I can follow for life. :wink: A "diet" will get old and restrictive and most people fall right back into old ways and gain the weight right back.:grumble:

    Best response I've seen on here to date! :-)

    Thank you!

    This site has been such a huge eye opener for me and has taught me so much. I am happy to return the favour when I can!
  • missouri_rain
    missouri_rain Posts: 560 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the great advice.