Trouble Starting...or Lose Weight

I'm back trying to lose weight...again. I've never managed to get back to my goal weight (pre-baby weight, and my 'baby' just turned four). I stayed steady at 180 (170-175 is where I sit comfortably) for a while, but after some life changes - moved cross country, went through several jobs, broke off an engagement, suffered my first Midwest winter... - I started rapidly gaining weight, and now I'm at 220 and absolutely miserable with how I look.

My biggest struggle is seeing how far I have to go. Even with ZERO mistakes a week ('perfect' balanced diet and effective exercise 4-5x a week), I can't seem to lose more than 2lb a week. And at that rate, that is a stretch of six months before I see a weight I don't feel 'fat' at. I get bogged down and depressed thinking how little of a difference each day is making, especially since it feels like each day is such a struggle, as I constantly feel hungry and sore. I never get 'comfortable' losing weight, it just feels like a long, drawn out punishment.

Aside from just shutting up and pushing through it every day, does anyone have any advice?


  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    A couple of things to note than may help ya:

    1. I'm not sure what you do for diet and exercise but it doesn't need to be torture. If you're doing a workout you don't like, starting "dating around" to find something you do. Trust me, it's out there! And you don't have to starve yourself to get the weight off - it just may take some tweaking in your overall daily diet to see where you can make changes to stay satiated all day. You really can!

    2. I'm going to be straight with you. It took me 5 YEARS to lose a hundred pounds. I know several people who lost the same amount in less time but I didn't. When I first started, I knew I was staring in the face of a some damned hard work and I had no clue how long it was going to take. Looking back on it now I've averaged it out to losing less than 2 lbs per MONTH. Not week, MONTH. I can only imagine where I would be today if I knew of that statistic back then and threw in the towel because it was ONLY 2 lbs per month. I still have a few more pounds to go ('cause I also got pregnant in there as well) but knowing that everything I do adds up in the end keeps me going. It DOES make a difference, it makes a HUGE difference. Those six months are going to go by anyway. Do you want to spend them sitting on the couch, stuffing your face and feeling "fat"? Or do you want to just put your head down, do the work and be done with it? Trust me, six months is going to go by FAST! You CAN do this but you won't if you give up. EVERYTHING COUNTS! EVERYTHING! :D

    Feel free to friend me! :)