New to this, Need some advice please!!

Hi there,

Im Helen. Im 21 years old and ive always been pretty unhappy with my weight. Ive tried to diet before and always failed to lose the amount i wanted to.. And this time im actually really trying hard to lose the weight!

I dont eat alot anyway, so its hard for me to understand why im not losing weight anyway.. but i think my metabolism is very low as ive always been a little bit 'chubby'

I started dieting again a few months ago but havnt seen much difference if im honest, my tummy has gone down a bit and ive lost 2inches on my bust but its still not enough.

My diet at the moment is basically this:

Breakfast: I will either skip or i will have a bowl of cheerios with semi skimmed milk or 2 wholewheat biscuits with semi skimmed milk.

Lunch: I will have either 2 scrambled eggs with 1 tomato and maybe add a slice of ham or i will eat a wholemeal pitta bread with ham and low fat Philadelphia.

Dinner: I will always have 1 breast of chicken and a cup of brown rice with peas.

That is basically all i eat.. and i may have the odd piece of fruit as a snack. But at the weekend i will sometimes binge out when im round my friends house but thats normally only 1-2 days at the weekend.

I dont exercise though but i have started using my dads treadmill last week. Ive been going on it 3 times a week for 30minutes each time so im hoping that will speed up the weight loss!

Am i doing something wrong? Any advice would be really appreciated!!

Thank you! x