diet versions of stuff



  • Hell_Flower
    Hell_Flower Posts: 348 Member
    It depends on the item in question.

    Things like Hartleys Jelly or Ice Pops or diet coke don't bother me because well...theres chemicals in the normal versions too so it's just a tide over.

    I don't do half fat cheese, yoghurt, ice cream or anything of which the main component of taste is fat and sugar. Because taking the fat out takes the flavour out and I'd rather have a tiny bit of the real stuff, rather than 4 portions of the less tasty.

    That said I never drink whole milk because the texture is way too thick.
  • BlueLadyBug22
    BlueLadyBug22 Posts: 156 Member
    I love diet coke and diet drinks, I honestly cannot taste the difference. I do eat some "healthy" cereals, sometimes I find that they have more calories than the sugary kind but I really love special K strawberry. It just taste great to me. I don't buy products based on if they are low fat or a "healthy" alternative. But I will try the lower calorie options and if I like them. If I don't I work in the regular foods into my goals for the day.

    I don't buy "low fat " versions of dressings like ranch or blue cheese etc. or mayonnaise because they taste like crap to me, I do love the low fat yogurts though and low fat milk. it all depends on taste for me.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I'm also a diet soda fan, more for the taste.

    I also agree that for most fat free items, the lack of taste just isn't worth it. Plus fat is filling - so although it has more calories, it'll stick with me longer than low/fat free.

    Start comparing labels. As others pointed out, there's usually a higher amount of sugar or sodium in low/fat free items than in the normal versions. Plus in many cases, the calories aren't that much different per serving.
    ANNAvsANNA Posts: 58 Member
    I prefer low-fat cottage cheese over regular because of the taste and consistency. I dunno....I'm picky about it...I can't stand runny cottage cheese, lol. I also perfer diet soda over regular because the sugary stuff makes my teeth gross and my breath nasty.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I drink diet soda, because regular makes my teeth feel gross. I eat regular ice cream, but I save the higher calorie stuff for my cardio days. If I don't have room, I just don't have a full serving. Sometimes it's just a spoonful (weighed out). Fat free cottage cheese and Greek yogurt are my usual, sometimes fat free cheese, but usually just the lighter stuff. I'll substitute one for the other depending on my macros for the day.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I find "diet" versions of most things to be ****ing horrible. Beyond that, most are more heavily processed with other additives, sugar, artificial sweeteners, etc that I just don't really, again...they are offensive to my palate.

    If I want a soda, I will opt for a regular soda (preferably cane sugar...tastes better)...if I want ice cream I'm going to have ice cream...etc, etc, etc. My lifestyle is such that this kind of "junk" is pretty rare so I don't feel the need to have substitutes for them...and again, most are pretty offensive to the palate.
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    I agree with others that it depends. How bad do you want it? The real version is almost always better than the diet alternative. I say almost because as many people here might already know Diet Coke from McDonalds is its own drink all by itself. Yup, there is no other version of a drink like it. Coke has formulated a special version of Diet Coke just for Mickey Ds and IMO I think it not only tastes pretty damn good, but is kind of addicting.

    Lets use one of my favorite calorie dense foods I like to eat as an example.... Reeses Peanut Butter Cups. The mini Reeses cups that are made with sugar alcohols give me stomach issues. So hmm should I eat 4 of those when I could just eat one Reeses cup? Sure. If I want 4 pieces of candy that KINDA tastes like the real thing but not really and then deal with explosive diarrhea afterward. Then the answer is yes.

    So see, it all kinda depends.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I prefer low-fat cottage cheese over regular because of the taste and consistency. I dunno....I'm picky about it...I can't stand runny cottage cheese, lol. I also perfer diet soda over regular because the sugary stuff makes my teeth gross and my breath nasty.

    We were typing at the same time! :smile: