Loosing Weight for a Wedding

Since my husband and I got married I gained 25 pounds! and while we were dating I gained 40 pounds!!!!!
I am tired of being stuck in this rut and I need all the motivation I can get!!!!

My sister is getting married at the of September 2014! I have a little under 8 weeks to lose 30-50 pounds! So I don't have to see all my old friends I left behind in Illinois 65 pounds heavier!

Yesterday I started Slim in 6 (beach body) Soon I want to start back on my Turbo Fire (Beach Body) which I was able to do about 5 years ago!

My ultimate goal is 75 pounds weight lose and a bikini body. I would like to have a friend who is starting their journey over again on this new healthy life style I am trying (once again).

Who would like to take this long term journey with me????


  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    Aiming to lose 3.75-6.25 pounds a week is not a healthy goal.