Please Encourage Me!

I was 5lbs down after one month of doing pretty well, but then I packed up the family in a U-Haul and moved from Portlan OR to Tucson, AZ and after almost a week of crap road food I gained 4lbs back :sad:

I was off line most of the time and juggling kids and landlords and stress and I really missed the MFP community! I was surprised how much I liked creeping thru the forums and getting encouragement by proxy. So please, I need encouragement from all ya'll and I'd like to have some more friends here. If you have some kind, fierce words of wisdom let me have it; or if you see that we have some stuff in common, please add me, new friends are welcome! :flowerforyou:


  • If you get back on the wagon it's probable that you'll dump those 4 pounds in a week or two. My wife gained five pounds on a week long cruise and lost it all in 5 days.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Honestly it would be hard to gain 4 actual one week...

    I know when I went down south, drank my face off ate everything in site I came back with 4 extra lbs too...but it was gone in 2 weeks...3 one week (mainly water weight I suspect from sodium levels) then the next week the next lb was gone too...

    oh and at least it wasn't the full 5...:wink:

    just start logging again and you'll see most of it was probably water retention
  • serenity521
    serenity521 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey! You are already on the right track to losing those 5 lbs. Getting back on MFP and reaching out for support are both things that will help you shed those extra pounds. Moving can be stressful, so don't be too hard on yourself :wink: I am pretty new to MFP, please feel free to add me. I am looking for friends that will motivate and encourage me along the way too.
    Everyday is a new day to make a better choice. You can't dwell on the past otherwise it will take over your future. The good thing is you have acknowledged that you need to get back on track and aren't complacent. THAT'S A BIG DEAL :) In June I had lost 4lbs but the month of July was so hectic-work, family, church, class and more...that I wasn't able to keep up with posting. MFP kicked me all the way to "day 1 streak" from 60+. Talk about hurt feelings...but I realized there will be times in life when we struggle and that's just life. The most important part is getting back up and making better choices EVERYDAY and they will add up. Stay focused on your goal, don't beat yourself up, but instead love yourself hard to KEEP PUSHING! It's Never too late!!!
    Hope this helps.
    Be Blessed