Is tofu bad for you?

I'm considering trying a more plant based diet.
I want a less expensive form of protein them protein powder so I was considering eating tofu (I have tried it before & like it) however I've read concerning information about tofu and hormonal issues like storing fat in the thighs.
I am pear shaped and this concerns me- I don't want my thighs any bigger!
I would only eat probably 2-3 times a week.
Is it worth it?


  • cavewoman15
    cavewoman15 Posts: 278 Member
    i'm no expert, but i think there is a concern about eating too much of any kind of soy as it is similar to estrogen and has similar effects on fat. my guess is a couple servings a week won't be a big deal.

    i have moved to a primarily plant-based diet this year and i have reaped many benefits.. i feel much better about my footprint, my groceries are much cheaper, and it helps with weight management/loss. one concern you will get on this thread is protein intake.. i'm very active and i work hard to get enough protein. i actually pay more attention now to my protein intake than when i was eating meat for most of my meals. no doubt about it, meat is a good source of protein, but it's definitely possible to get enough protein not eating meat if that is your goal: beans, quinoa, whole grains, nuts, cheese, and greek yogurt are my primary sources. i don't like tofu, unfortunately.

    good luck!!
  • leahraskie
    leahraskie Posts: 260 Member
    I eat soy bacon, soy cheese and soy burgers every so often and haven't had an issue with it, I'm not really pear shaped though. Soy can mimic estrogen, but it's generally just a problem in men, or that's all I've seen on it. It can cause male breast development. 2-3 times a week shouldn't hurt unless you eat a ton of it.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    No. I love it when it's prepared correctly. Make sure you drain REALLY it well in between paper towels before cooking!
  • mshannond
    mshannond Posts: 60
    Ok Thankyou :)
    I will be eating chicken or Turkey in the evenings at dinner time but I wanted to make an effort to eat more protein from food sources in the day rather than rice & hemp protein which is expensive :)

    i'm no expert, but i think there is a concern about eating too much of any kind of soy as it is similar to estrogen and has similar effects on fat. my guess is a couple servings a week won't be a big deal.

    i have moved to a primarily plant-based diet this year and i have reaped many benefits.. i feel much better about my footprint, my groceries are much cheaper, and it helps with weight management/loss. one concern you will get on this thread is protein intake.. i'm very active and i work hard to get enough protein. i actually pay more attention now to my protein intake than when i was eating meat for most of my meals. no doubt about it, meat is a good source of protein, but it's definitely possible to get enough protein not eating meat if that is your goal: beans, quinoa, whole grains, nuts, cheese, and greek yogurt are my primary sources. i don't like tofu, unfortunately.

    good luck!!
  • mshannond
    mshannond Posts: 60
    Will do! Thankyou for the responses everyone :)
  • bohemian124
    bohemian124 Posts: 153 Member
    I'm considering trying a more plant based diet.
    I want a less expensive form of protein them protein powder...

    I love tofu. That being said, you should also consider buying bulk dried beans. They are super cheap ($1.50/lb or so), great source of protein and fiber, and you can do a ton with them. I cook off a pound or two at a time, freeze in bags, and pull out whenever I need them. I usually have a few types at the ready, such as black, pinto, and garbanzo. This is so much cheaper than buying canned beans, plus you don't have to worry about the salt and gross can liquid.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    i'm no expert, but i think there is a concern about eating too much of any kind of soy as it is similar to estrogen and has similar effects on fat.
    That's a total myth. Plant oestrogen has no relation to the hormone oestrogen other than the name. It's just another internet scare story
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    There is no food that triggers your body to store fat in specific locations.
  • Shalaurise
    Shalaurise Posts: 707 Member
    I would say soy is terrible and as such probably not bad for you. Most thing that taste bad and have horrible textures are good for you.
  • mshannond
    mshannond Posts: 60
    I have ibs beans are a trigger never had an issue with tofu :)
    I'm considering trying a more plant based diet.
    I want a less expensive form of protein them protein powder...

    I love tofu. That being said, you should also consider buying bulk dried beans. They are super cheap ($1.50/lb or so), great source of protein and fiber, and you can do a ton with them. I cook off a pound or two at a time, freeze in bags, and pull out whenever I need them. I usually have a few types at the ready, such as black, pinto, and garbanzo. This is so much cheaper than buying canned beans, plus you don't have to worry about the salt and gross can liquid.
  • rivka_m
    rivka_m Posts: 1,007 Member
    Soy is not the demon people make it out to be. Like anything else, it can be bad in excess or if you have a particular underlying condition that's affected (like you & beans). Otherwise fine.

    Try scrambled tofu ->