Weight taking ages to come off!!

Hey all, I'm after some advice. I've been on a healthy eating and exercise kick since March this year and have so far lost..... 3 whole pounds.

I know weight isn't a huge issue and the important thing is I am (slowly) losing inches and body fat, but my weight is really bothering me.

I currently exercise 4-5 times a week, high intensity classes mainly such as Body Combat and Interval Mat work, etc. I eat very healthily and until last week, was eating between 1,000-1,200 net calories on average a day but have since read that I may actually be under eating. According to my stats I should be eating 1,500-2,000 a day! So I'm trying to incorporate extra good fats into my diet such as avocado and nuts to get my calories up. But if I'm honest I'm a bit scared of this! Does this REALLY make a difference?
The other thing I'm wondering is how accurate is the daily calorie recommendation on here? I'm 5ft6 and a size 10/12 but weigh above average for my stats (currently 11st3) and within the healthy range for body fat percentage. I do not have a particularly active job role so do I really need this many calories??

So my question is.. If I eat more, will I really start to lose more weight? I've been working my *kitten* off for the last 4 months and 3 pounds is a bit of a pitiful result, even if I am losing inches off my waist!



  • AvonBell
    AvonBell Posts: 107 Member
    Eating more will not lead to more rapid weight loss.

    Are you measuring every solid food on a digital scale and, with the exception of water, every liquid in a measuring cup or spoon?
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    How do you track your calories in? Weigh all solid food? Log & account for all drinks, condiments, cooking oils? Log consistently every day? If not, then you don't know how many calories you're consuming .
  • insaneteabag
    insaneteabag Posts: 34 Member
    I don't weigh using scales, I tend to go off packaging or individual items. For example this evening I had a chicken breast, there was 2 in a pack and the pack weighed 300grams so I estimated my chicken at 150g and that's pretty much how I count! I wouldn't weigh a banana, I'd just go off the average calorie contents of a banana. When in doubt I tend to round up.
    In terms of drinks and cooking oil etc, I only use a tablespoon of olive oil when I'm roasting vegetables every few days. I cook all meat without oil on the George Forman (where would I be without him!) I don't use any condiments and I only drink green tea and water with a couple of (sugarless) coffees in the morning.

    I have also cut out potatoes and pasta so tend to only have protein and veg for evening meal.
  • PennyVonDread
    PennyVonDread Posts: 432 Member
    I don't weigh using scales, I tend to go off packaging or individual items. For example this evening I had a chicken breast, there was 2 in a pack and the pack weighed 300grams so I estimated my chicken at 150g and that's pretty much how I count! I wouldn't weigh a banana, I'd just go off the average calorie contents of a banana. When in doubt I tend to round up.
    In terms of drinks and cooking oil etc, I only use a tablespoon of olive oil when I'm roasting vegetables every few days. I cook all meat without oil on the George Forman (where would I be without him!) I don't use any condiments and I only drink green tea and water with a couple of (sugarless) coffees in the morning.

    I have also cut out potatoes and pasta so tend to only have protein and veg for evening meal.

    If it comes in a box or bag, the label isn't reliable. Menu nutrition facts from restaurants are even worse, off by an average of 10-20% and permitted to "round down" calories in favor of marketing. If you aren't weighing, you probably aren't accurate in all honesty, and I think you've identified the problem right there.
  • insaneteabag
    insaneteabag Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you! I will invest in some kitchen scales pronto and see how it goes! :)
  • insaneteabag
    insaneteabag Posts: 34 Member
    Oh and I'm not sure if it's worth noting that I have lost 3 inches off my waist so far so I know I'm doing something right, I just don't know why the scales aren't reflecting that!?
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    Your priorities are out of whack. Why care about the scale when the mirror and your clothes show progress? Exercise is helping you build dense muscle. Even with a calorie deficit you can still have minimal muscle gains. But if you absolutely feel your efforts don't show sufficient progress, up your calories by a few hundred for a week then check again. Remember to weigh in at the same time under the same conditions (IE-After wake up on Tuesday after using the bathroom and without any clothes on) just don't weigh every day or even every other day. Never forget weight is just a number.
  • Froody2
    Froody2 Posts: 338 Member
    Try two years with (probably) another year to go, then talk to me about slow weight loss.

    It sounds like you don't have much to lose, in which case losses are notoriously slower. I can only add to the excellent advice you've received so far by saying be consistent, patient and honest with yourself. No matter how you fudge your numbers, your body keeps its own calorie count!

    Good luck!
  • insaneteabag
    insaneteabag Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you for all the advice :)