

  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I know how you feel too, sometimes it's just a pain in the *kitten*...but maybe give yourself a "treat" a little more often so you don't feel the need to binge...I know when i'm being a food nazi i just want to throw in the towel...it's damn hard...especially in the fast food society we live in. After my last binge I realized that maybe giving myself a "sushi" night where i don't count the calories for 1 meal a week (usually on Saturdays) then I feel better about the choices i make for the rest of the week. Give yourself a break, Rome wasn't built in a day...I certainly didn't gain all my weight in a day either...the main thing is you continue on the path, but relax and enjoy yourself.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Don't worry, everyone has done this at one point.... just don't throw all of your hard work away. Get right back to exercising and eating well and the weight will continue to peel off. I know some people here mentioned that it could be a psychological issue, but I'm not so sure. I think when you're on a controlled diet all of the time, it makes you more prone to binge. Try to treat yourself every once in a while so it doesn't happen again. Also, don't think in black and white. I've justified eating a boatloat of unhealthy foods by saying "well, I already ate this so I might as well eat this too." That mentallity definately sabotages you. It's a challenge for me, but I'm trying to overcome this as well.

  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    I "blew it" big time today too and ate about 1000 Kcal over my goal. It was my cheat day and even though I usually more or less try to keep within the goal on those days too and really didnt expect to go that much over, I dont mind. I had fun wall climbing and playng some board game! Tomorrow I'll have more fun doing taekwondo (but I'll continue without the extra calories! lol).

    Cheers to everyone who blew it today! Lets not wind the band too tight around our temples and when we screw up, lets do it gracefully! :drinker:
  • sanura
    sanura Posts: 459 Member
    I've been there so many times too! I really recommend looking at those demons closely because they'll never go away otherwise. you can try meditation, journaling, counselling, or whatever seems helpful. best of luck to you!!! and always remember you are not a failure! you are perfect, and you are learning and growing and changing.
  • andipandi
    andipandi Posts: 91 Member
    i just polished off half a bag of moose munch and half a lindt dark chocolate bar...i feel sick...lol (but not really)
  • SandyBaldwin
    SandyBaldwin Posts: 12 Member
    I totally agree that tomorrow is a new day. I also believe that the next minute is a new one so I get back on the wagon then. I am taking a supplement called Sugar Balance by Blackmores. It might be a placebo but I find that it helps my cavings.

    Just remember, we took YEARS doing to this ourselves and its going to take time to lose it too.
  • Loseittoo
    Loseittoo Posts: 74 Member
    Until you take control you will continue this cycle of dieting and binging.

    This is not a diet, this is a lifestyle. Those aren't just words. I have not had fast food in over a year. I no longer eat that poison. Same for candy.

    You are mentally not there. This isn't about the food, its you. What are your plans for when the weight is finally off? Continue to track and eat right as well as exercise? I have no intentions of ever eating the foods I ate before again. No mcdonalds, no supersized, no piles of candy. That was the choice I made. Those foods offer me nothing but bad health. Give me a nice bowl of fruit or a whole wheat sandwich any day.

    There is no end. This is my life till I die, hopefully in a very a long time. I have never dieted. And don't refer to my lifestyle change as a diet. I want being thin way more than any food.

    I am in control.

    So pick yourself up and take a long look in the mirror and find out if you really want to do this. Cause you can lose all the weight and than be back here in a year starting all over again. This has to be a life long change.

    This is also why I have no goals or mini goals. Life is my reward. I WANT TOO way too much to quit. Even for 1 day.
  • sanura
    sanura Posts: 459 Member
    Until you take control you will continue this cycle of dieting and binging.

    This is not a diet, this is a lifestyle. Those aren't just words. I have not had fast food in over a year. I no longer eat that poison. Same for candy.

    You are mentally not there. This isn't about the food, its you. What are your plans for when the weight is finally off? Continue to track and eat right as well as exercise? I have no intentions of ever eating the foods I ate before again. No mcdonalds, no supersized, no piles of candy. That was the choice I made. Those foods offer me nothing but bad health. Give me a nice bowl of fruit or a whole wheat sandwich any day.

    There is no end. This is my life till I die, hopefully in a very a long time. I have never dieted. And don't refer to my lifestyle change as a diet. I want being thin way more than any food.

    I am in control.

    So pick yourself up and take a long look in the mirror and find out if you really want to do this. Cause you can lose all the weight and than be back here in a year starting all over again. This has to be a life long change.

    This is also why I have no goals or mini goals. Life is my reward. I WANT TOO way too much to quit. Even for 1 day.

    that's awesome!!!!!