I have 3 more weeks to lose! HELP needed!!

Hello: I have been losing weight for a while now but never had an end date in mind. Then my hubby and I decided to try and have a baby soon. I have successfully lost and so far maintained about a 50 lb loss since my heaviest. I would LOVE to lose another 15 lbs. but the last month or 2 I really have stalled. I only have 3 weeks until I am going to stop birth control and I wanted to lose anymore weight that I possibly can by then. But with what I am doing I don’t know what to change!! Please help!!!

5’2 – Currently: 155lbs

1300 calories daily.

Try and stay around:
50 Fat
100 or lower Carbs
115 or more Protein

I try and drink 3-4L of water daily.

Exercise: 45-60 mins a day x4 days a week (elliptical or hiking intense hilly hikes)

Do I need more exercise? Or less of something I am eating???

What do you think will benefit me most in the next 3 weeks+?

Thank you!!!


  • AvonBell
    AvonBell Posts: 107 Member
    The fewer calories you consume, the more weight you will lose. Cardio won't help you much in this respect. If you try to lose 15 pounds in 3 weeks, you will lose a lot of muscle or worse. Six pounds is more realistic, though still optimistic.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    are you weighing your solids? your diary is closed otherwise I wouldn't ask...

    If you have stalled chances are you are eating more than you think...

    in 3 weeks it will be 1.5-3lbs...which is great but that being said...if you are still overweight when you get pregnant and you eat correctly you will still lose some weight at first...

    having a child develop takes lots of energy...my doctor said in the first 2 trimesters your body goes through about the equivalent of climbing mount everest.

    Not saying eat all the foodz just be aware of that..
  • TriShamelessly
    TriShamelessly Posts: 905 Member
    Given that you will not likely become pregnant the moment you stop birth control, you have more than 3 weeks. So keep at the steady modest calorie deficit and the scale may move as you wish. Most importantly, make sure you are getting all of your daily nutritional needs. Yours and the baby's health and development should be your primary focus. You can always lose the little extra weight after the baby arrives. Best wishes to you, your husband and the future little one! And, most importantly, talk to your OB/GYN before you make any drastic changes.
  • ashleeei
    ashleeei Posts: 35
    Yeah I realize 15 lbs is impossible. Just really want to lose as much as possible within healthy. I don't have my diary open because I don't log 100% and it would just confuse people. I eat mostly the same stuff daily and most is measured already. Pre-made protein shakes, prepackaged chicken breast, pre-packaged frozen oatmeal from trader joes, what I more estimate on is amount of raspberries and how much spring mix I eat, size of bell pepper portion, etc.. I don't drink juices or sodas. Can I go much lower than 1300 safely?
  • HappyHope0123
    HappyHope0123 Posts: 101 Member
    Yes, you have more than three weeks to lose. Look at your cycles, and when ovulation occurs. That's when you should get pregnant (I think that would be about 5 weeks after you go off the pill, if all the stars align for you!)

    This is going to sound really odd, and I'm sure I'm wrong on it, but this is what helped me over my plateau....stop exercising a bit. I was running 3-5 times a week for 45 minutes a time, and stayed at 172 for 6 weeks...eating 1400 calories a day...my doctor recommended shorter workouts, 3 times a week. I was going for that, but then I got lazy and in 2 weeks I only ran 4 times (I did the elliptical and swam 4 or 5 days during that time, not on run days). I finally broke loose of the plateau and am down to 165. This was 3 weeks ago. Hey, it worked for me.

    Also, when you stop taking the pill, I'm going to assume you'll lose a bit of weight (since I always gained when I was on the pill).

    When you do get pregnant, keep on exercising at the same level you are now (as long as the doc approves). Another thing, keep a healthy pregnancy calorie intake. Don't go all 'one for me, one for baby' in regards for food. Get with the doc, or a nutritionist to see what you should be eating and make healthy choices.

    Best of luck to you! Have fun trying!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Yeah I realize 15 lbs is impossible. Just really want to lose as much as possible within healthy. I don't have my diary open because I don't log 100% and it would just confuse people. I eat mostly the same stuff daily and most is measured already. Pre-made protein shakes, prepackaged chicken breast, pre-packaged frozen oatmeal from trader joes, what I more estimate on is amount of raspberries and how much spring mix I eat, size of bell pepper portion, etc.. I don't drink juices or sodas. Can I go much lower than 1300 safely?

    I wouldn't if I were you...you will lose muscle along with fat and you don't want that.
  • ashleeei
    ashleeei Posts: 35
    I'm actually on a non-hormonal IUD that is getting removed tomorrow and my date of ovulation is 3 wks away. Sry didn't wanna get all into the details in the original post. I know it's not 100% I conceive right away but I have met with my OBGYN recently who says we should have no problem after she did a little test thingy on me... obviously there's no guarantee even then but I know I have at least 3 weeks and after the 3 weeks I'm hoping to transition into the healthiest habits possible for me... Crossing my fingers!! I'm going to try all the above suggestions! And maybe even work out a little less for the next week and see what it does... ;)
  • ashleeei
    ashleeei Posts: 35
    Yeah I realize 15 lbs is impossible. Just really want to lose as much as possible within healthy. I don't have my diary open because I don't log 100% and it would just confuse people. I eat mostly the same stuff daily and most is measured already. Pre-made protein shakes, prepackaged chicken breast, pre-packaged frozen oatmeal from trader joes, what I more estimate on is amount of raspberries and how much spring mix I eat, size of bell pepper portion, etc.. I don't drink juices or sodas. Can I go much lower than 1300 safely?

    I wouldn't if I were you...you will lose muscle along with fat and you don't want that.

    Thank you! :) I didn't think I could go lower.
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    Since you are planning on getting pregnant I highly recommend starting a prenatal vitamin that contains folic acid now. I also suggest talking with your doctor about your diet and exercise habits now instead of waiting until you are pregnant (many OBGYN's won't see you for your first appointment until you are at least 6 weeks pregnant, some even longer than that). You don't want to over eat while pregnant but you also don't want to under eat. Keeping active while pregnant (as long as the doctor says you can) will make your pregnancy as well as labor and delivery easier.
  • slomo22
    slomo22 Posts: 125 Member
    It sounds like you have a healthy lifestyle. Try changing your workout routine, you're probably just too to efficient now. I like circuit training, it's quick and mixes things up a lot. Also, is 3-4 liters of water a day too much? It seems like a lot, you could be flushing nutrients out of your body...but I'm no doctor.
  • ashleeei
    ashleeei Posts: 35
    It sounds like you have a healthy lifestyle. Try changing your workout routine, you're probably just too to efficient now. I like circuit training, it's quick and mixes things up a lot. Also, is 3-4 liters of water a day too much? It seems like a lot, you could be flushing nutrients out of your body...but I'm no doctor.

    Great point! I did tell my doctor I have to pee non stop and feel as if I'm peeing my prenatal vitamin right out!!!
  • rachelilly
    rachelilly Posts: 62
    Since you are planning on getting pregnant I highly recommend starting a prenatal vitamin that contains folic acid now. I also suggest talking with your doctor about your diet and exercise habits now instead of waiting until you are pregnant (many OBGYN's won't see you for your first appointment until you are at least 6 weeks pregnant, some even longer than that). You don't want to over eat while pregnant but you also don't want to under eat. Keeping active while pregnant (as long as the doctor says you can) will make your pregnancy as well as labor and delivery easier.

    ^^^^^^^ This exactly. I would definitely get out and get some prenatal vitamins now if you aren't taking them yet.

    OP, I have a similar situation as you do, but without planning a baby. I'm trying to lose a good 20 lbs in 11 weeks before my husband gets home from deployment, which I know is a stretch. But really I just want to lose as much as possible like you do. I'm finally seeing the scale dip a little with intermittent fasting and exercising a little less. I've also tried different kinds of exercise from what I was doing before (I've recently started lap swimming and doing HIIT or crossfit workouts I've pinned.) Also, two of my 3 daily meals are protein shakes and I've been hitting my protein goals even with cutting calories down. BUT, I'm not preparing my body for another child at the moment. I'm mostly trying to shock my system a little since I had been stuck at the same weight for 2 months. But yeah, I'm finally seeing some weight fall off this week since I made the changes.
  • ashleeei
    ashleeei Posts: 35
    Since you are planning on getting pregnant I highly recommend starting a prenatal vitamin that contains folic acid now. I also suggest talking with your doctor about your diet and exercise habits now instead of waiting until you are pregnant (many OBGYN's won't see you for your first appointment until you are at least 6 weeks pregnant, some even longer than that). You don't want to over eat while pregnant but you also don't want to under eat. Keeping active while pregnant (as long as the doctor says you can) will make your pregnancy as well as labor and delivery easier.

    ^^^^^^^ This exactly. I would definitely get out and get some prenatal vitamins now if you aren't taking them yet.

    OP, I have a similar situation as you do, but without planning a baby. I'm trying to lose a good 20 lbs in 11 weeks before my husband gets home from deployment, which I know is a stretch. But really I just want to lose as much as possible like you do. I'm finally seeing the scale dip a little with intermittent fasting and exercising a little less. I've also tried different kinds of exercise from what I was doing before (I've recently started lap swimming and doing HIIT or crossfit workouts I've pinned.) Also, two of my 3 daily meals are protein shakes and I've been hitting my protein goals even with cutting calories down. BUT, I'm not preparing my body for another child at the moment. I'm mostly trying to shock my system a little since I had been stuck at the same weight for 2 months. But yeah, I'm finally seeing some weight fall off this week since I made the changes.

    Thank you!! I am definitely going to try and switch things up.
  • ashleeei
    ashleeei Posts: 35
    Thanks everyone!! I have been trying to be very good this week!!! And FINALLY I have broken past the point I couldnt get past for SO LONG! I have officially lost 1 lb. this week and am on my way down to the 140's!! Gotta keep kicking butt! This weekend will be a HUGE test for me! We are moving, remodeling and will be without a kitchen for 2-5 days!! :/
  • HappyHope0123
    HappyHope0123 Posts: 101 Member
    Sounds to me like the next few days have great potential...lots of fruit and veggies (most don't need refrigeration).
  • penny0919
    penny0919 Posts: 123 Member
    I have three kids and I PROMISE you that if you lose 10-15 lbs that fast it will come right back within the first few weeks of being pregnant.

    Just keep trying the healthy way and once you become pregnant keep your weight gain at a healthy rate (you can google, there is loads of info out there).
  • kwantlen2051
    kwantlen2051 Posts: 455 Member
    Yeah I realize 15 lbs is impossible. Just really want to lose as much as possible within healthy. I don't have my diary open because I don't log 100% and it would just confuse people. I eat mostly the same stuff daily and most is measured already. Pre-made protein shakes, prepackaged chicken breast, pre-packaged frozen oatmeal from trader joes, what I more estimate on is amount of raspberries and how much spring mix I eat, size of bell pepper portion, etc.. I don't drink juices or sodas. Can I go much lower than 1300 safely?

    If you are saying lower than 1300 for your base and plus some of your exercise calories, yes! I am also 5'2" . When I ate at recommended TDEE level I didn't lose anything even when I exercised for more than 1 hour everyday. Then I lowered my calorie intake to 1250 plus roughly 10% of my exercise calories, I lost the weight I needed. Because we're not as tall as other people, we don't need a lot more calories. Just eat a t a level between your BMR and TDEE.