Dumbbells or Barbells?



    BITEME_GRRR Posts: 150 Member
    So I'm fairly new to weights, but I know it's something I love already. Specifically women, I'm interested to know what you prefer? I'm so far (for about 6 weeks now) just using the bar on the bench (in our basement), but I do feel ready to move to heavier weights. I also feel pretty limited by what can be done with just the bench at home. I love squats the most, and I know I wont be able to do them with heavier weights at home, as don't have the proper type of bench.. nor the room for anything bigger.

    SO- It's between getting a gym membership, or buying a good set of dumbbells. I'm on a military base, so a gym is easily accessible, but I am leaning towards a few weeks with a PT and then dumbbells at home. (I think I'd be far more inclined to do the workouts this way!)

    Has anyone done the majority of their weight training with dumbbells and would love to know your fail/success!

    (Totally a newb here.. hence why I'd like to have a PT for the beginning, and why maybe some of what I've posted doesn't make total sense :P )

    A Combination of both is probably good :)