What Do You Do To Make Yourself Feel Good?

harls Posts: 88 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
(Wasn't sure where to post this nor if a similar topic is current,... feel free to delete)

I know we're all here to get fitter and healthier, but I honestly believe an important part of that process is also feeling GOOD to be *you*, no matter what stage of your journey is. So, I began wondering, what exactly do you do to feel like you're amazing and wonderful and beautiful? And if you can't think of anything, here's a great place to get inspiration to start!

I'll begin -- For me, getting all glitzed and glammed up is something I really enjoy. One particular form that allows me to do that is burlesque dancing/performing (for those that don't know, burlesque performances are basically little show numbers with dance and humor, where you remove some of your clothing as well -- you choose how far you want to go, it's common to stop at panties and pasties). I'm still practicing it and trying it out, so I've never performed on stage before, but I know I will some day. Getting up with all of your pretty clothes and glamorous movements and silly little routines is so empowering and makes me feel beautiful and sexy and so feminine. I definitely recommend it to anyone, it's a lotta fun and has helped my self-esteem greatly.

Alright, phew. Now it's your turn -- what do you do to make yourself feel great? :)


  • That's so awesome! I'm still thinking...
  • Dafrog
    Dafrog Posts: 353
    i still stuggle with this. sometimes i rhink i focus to much on pleasing others that i lost focus on what i really enjoy. for so many years i have turned to food to have the sense of feeling good. somedays i look in the mirror and like what i see others not. so what makes me feel good, not sure. although i have some pretty good answers for what makes me feel bad :((
  • missyhse
    missyhse Posts: 189
    I danced a lot until recently (vintage swing/lindy hop troupe, salsa, ballroom, belly dance, burlesque, a sprinkling of modern). It was the BEST feel good about me thing to do!! I haven't been at it much lately because of finances and a move to another state. Good for you :)
  • For me it is setting goals then meeting or exceding them. It is a real rush to complete something that you thought was not achievable.
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    I tell myself I'm beautiful everyday. No joke. I've posted this as a suggestion a couple times but this is what I do:

    After my shower I stand nekked in front of the mirror and I pick a feature that I like. I say for example (out loud) "I love my legs. They are strong, beautiful and long. They help me run faster and jump higher and carry me on every adventure." And then I say (three times) "I am Strong, I am Beautiful and I am Loved." This sounds goofy but it helps me a lot. I have a tendency to be REALLY hard on myself (never good enough no matter what) and this forces me to look at myself with out negative judgements and the more I do it the more I believe it. (Who knew the therapist was right?!?!)

    I also like to get gussied up (black tie style) for no reason and go do something random. Dinner and a club or something all dressed up. It's fun and it makes me feel special and beautiful. :flowerforyou:

    **good topic by the way**
  • harls
    harls Posts: 88 Member
    TeriTee -- I know you can find something that makes you feel great! Just keep paying attention to what makes you feel happy and never let your fears keep you from trying something new! :)

    Dafrog -- You're not alone; we all struggle sometimes! I personally am a people-pleaser as well, but I'm slowly shifting into a me-pleaser! It's nice to try and make other happy, but you can't let it rule your life, you know? Anyways, I'm sure you'll find something that makes you feel wonderful, too. Just try and focus on the positives. Life is way too short to NOT to follow your own desires, so feel free to go BIG!

    missyhse -- Wow, that's awesome! I, too, have dabbled in other forms of dance (not professionally, of course), so I know what you mean when you rave about it. It's truly great! And hey, with modern technology nowadays, you can find tons of videos online and practice/learn dancing at home until classes become a part of your daily life again.

    midmomike2 -- Nice! I love completing a goal, too. It sounds like a great way to stay motivated for you as well.

    msbanana -- Oh goodness, that sounds absolutely divine! I should start doing that, too. It's so amazing that you can do that and feel great about yourself, you know? Also, getting all dressed up is so much fun for me too!
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,385 Member
    Nobody wants to see me doing burlesque, I'm pretty sure of that... LOL

    Seriously though, my number one pleasure is throwing a leg over my Harley and going for a ride...but <sigh> that's not an option right now since the weather has turned white & frosty here in Minnesota. Maybe when I can't stand it any longer, I'll go out to the garage and just pretend to go for a ride. =)

    My mood is closely tied to my exercise sessions. Has been for years. If I miss more than one day...or even worse, two (EEK!), I start having serious crabbiness issues. Some people have addictions to alcohol and other drugs but my drug of choice is exercise-induced endorphins. The feeling when I'm done is the best. I only wish it lasted longer!

    I still remember a small handful of times when I was still in the Marine Corps that I experienced true "runner's high". One moment I didn't think I could run any further and then all of a sudden, it was like I had wings. This incredible sense of euphoria overcame me and I felt like I could run a full-out sprint for.ev.er. I sure I hope I get to experience that again someday. =)
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    Nobody wants to see me doing burlesque, I'm pretty sure of that... LOL

    bwahahahahaha!! I'd actually PAY to see that! But you have to wear petticoats and a feather boa! :laugh:
  • daryls
    daryls Posts: 260
    Just got a skin facial...something nice for myself!

    Massages too - especially after a week of good workouts!
  • AkMix
    AkMix Posts: 1
    I help someone. I hold the door open for an elder, give a positive remark to a co-worker, but mostly I feel fantastic when I accomplish a goal. I'm 39 years old tomorrow. I've set a goal to lose weight in 1 year. Not to be healthier or more attractive. But just to be back to my comfortable physical size. This forum and keeping a daily diary is new for me. I'm working on it, heading in the right direction. I'll get there, I will. And when I do, I might just take up burlesque dancing. My husband would appreciate that!
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,385 Member
    bwahahahahaha!! I'd actually PAY to see that! But you have to wear petticoats and a feather boa! :laugh:

    Darn, if only they weren't at the cleaners right now.... :bigsmile:
  • I dunno what I do to make myself feel good, I generally always feel really good about myself. I look in the mirror and see the flaws, the flaws I know will vanish in time, so I feel good! I think the key phrase is "I know," since there's no way in hell I'm not accomplishing what I set out to do. Once you have that drive to succeed you pretty much always feel good.

    I can actually see the end result in the mirror now, where as in the beginning it seemed like such an outrageous transformation, it was impossible to visualize.
  • harls
    harls Posts: 88 Member
    darkrider42 -- They have male burlesque dancers, too, you know! It can be quite entertaining to watch ;) Aww, well maybe until it defrosts enough for you to ride you could just keep exercising hard. Exercise sounds like a really awesome thing to be addicted to! Lucky man...

    daryls -- Sounds fun! I looooooove getting massages, especially after a hard day's workout.

    AkMix -- Aww, that's so sweet. It's always really nice to hear someone with that positive attitude. I know you'll get to your goal, too -- and woohoo for burlesque dancing! Definitely give it a try -- even now, before you're at your goal. It's a wonderful mood-and-self-esteem-booster.

    lordofultima -- It's awesome you always generally feel good! An inspiration for sure :)
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    Sadly, I don't do anything (but I probably should .. just don't know what)
    I'm a stay at home mom and house wife so my days are spent keeping my daughter happy, cleaning house and working out. Nothing glamorous at all.
  • harls
    harls Posts: 88 Member
    Caperfae -- Making yourself feel good doesn't have to be glamorous. I understand a busy mother/wife's schedule, but you know what? I believe that in most families the mother is the center of the household, and when SHE feels great, the whole house will. So maybe when your daughter is napping/at school/with friends/etc, you can make time for yourself and perhaps take some of the suggestions already in this thread and experiment away (you never know what makes you feel great until you try it!). Or, maybe making your daughter happy is your "feel-good" thing! Maybe trying new things with her and seeing her smile will really make you feel awesome :)
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