Finally working on the last 20lbs

In late 2009 I was a maid of honor. When I got the wedding pictures I could not believe how huge I was! At that time I was 5'0" and weighed 180lbs.

I immediately joined Weight Watchers, over the course of 16 months I lost 40 lbs.

I lost another 10 over the course of 8-10 months.

Then I started a new job in 2011 that keeps me on the road. 3 years into that job I'm up 15 lbs. Which brings me to 145lb (still 5'0").

For the most part I'm happy with the way I look. I'm in good shape, can hike 30 miles over 3 days and have run 14 half marathons (10 without walking).

But as I'm creeping closer to 40 I don't want to look ok I want to look amazing!

My doctor said I am perfectly healthy although I do battle low blood pressure.

So after dabbling with MFP for a while I am getting serious about losing 20lbs. Eating clean, lifting weights,, and cardio is my plan.

Feel free to add me. Good luck to everyone on here.