
KipferFox Posts: 7 Member
Is this good?

FOOD -1392
217 Net Calories


  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    No. Your net calories need to be a MINIMUM of 1200.

    And as a 24 year old male, you need to be eating a lot more than 1392 calories.
  • CleanUpWhatIMessedUp
    CleanUpWhatIMessedUp Posts: 206 Member
    I don't even know if you'll be able to get through the day if you only net 200 calories. If you net 1200 calories, you will lose weight. If you net 200 calories, you probably won't even have enough energy to go about your life.
  • davidbernstein148
    It's too little info to determine if it's good or bad. Are you getting enough nutrition with those calories? Are you hungry? Are you able to maintain that calorie level? How heavy are you and where are you trying to get? Is this just a today thing and you're trying to brag about a low number (my wife just had gastric surgery, she gets negative numbers on days she exercises)?
  • toolhead87
    toolhead87 Posts: 10
    I'm confused by what they mean by Net
    like today for me.

    1. Goal:2370cal.
    2. Food: 1107ish (more like 1200 after some raisins and a glass of light Lemonade.)
    3, Exercise -1030 (should be a little more cuz I lifted weights for 20 minutes.)
    I don't get it.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    The MFP program expects that you will eat back the calories you burn from exercise. So your NET calories consumed is your daily target calories.

    If your goal is 1500 (minimum for men, because you burn more calories than women, and even 1500 is really low), then you work out and burn 200 calories, to keep your NET calories at 1500, you need to eat 1700 that day.

    If you are consistently under eating, you risk many health complications including: muscle wastage (you body uses both muscle and fat when eating in a deficit, the greater the deficit, the more muscle you lose), not eating enough to support organ functioning (heart, kidneys, brain, etc.), you also will not be getting enough to fuel your workouts and you might find that they suffer over time, and malnourishment which could cause problems with bone density (along with other things). Eat more.

    Here is a great thread which provides a lot of information which is well worth reading through:
  • ladybird89
    ladybird89 Posts: 28 Member
    Are you sure you're really burning that many extra calories from exercise?
  • Snypa1
    Snypa1 Posts: 31 Member

    You are doing 2 hours of cardio everyday?

    Also your a bloke you should be having a net intake of like 2-3k!


    Net Calories is the number of calories you have gained each day from food minus what you have burned in exercise.

    So for someone like me who is trying to gain weight, I need to ensure I replace any calories I burn in cardio otherwise the cardio would destroy my gains. In a typical day I'd eat 3300 calories and burn around 400 in cardio so my body has 2900 calories left to grow and rebuild the muscle i destroyed at the gym.