Cutting out High-Fructose Corn Syrup--has anyone?



  • The_Hungry_Atheist
    I have practically cut it out of my diet and I have not got heavy eyes after eating anymore. I just started week 3 today and I feel wonderful! I wouldn't cut them out I would just intake it in moderation or before bed ahaha
  • oinkerjnn
    oinkerjnn Posts: 85 Member
    I didn't try to cut it out… It just happened naturally based on my eating habits. No noticeable effects.

    What kind of eating habits do you have where you don't ever encounter it? It's in BBQ sauce, cereal, honey mustard, salad dressing, peanut butter, syrup, pasta sauce, granola bars, crackers, applesauce, yogurt...etc. It's even in medicines like cough syrup.

    I guess raw-foods or all-organic would do the trick.

    Every single item you listed has numerous varieties made without it.

    I'd say 99% of the food I eat doesn't have any in it. I'm a sauce and condiment junky too, just need to buy the right ones. Cooking from scratch helps too.

    Of the foods you list, I have every one of them in my kitchen, and the honey mustard is the only stuff with it, and only because I love that particular honey mustard.
  • ajax041813
    ajax041813 Posts: 136 Member
    Yes, this is in a lot of processed foods. You can cut it out, it will require more time in the kitchen or a higher grocery bill, if you can find things in the store that don't have it. Since we live on a budget, I have gotten great at making just about anything in the kitchen. There are TONS of clean (non-processed, non-additive, no preservative, real food) recipes online. You might need to get a few kitchen gadgets and utensils, yet it is totally doable. I feel so great knowing that everything we put in our bodies is REAL food. You'd be surprised as how much all those chemicals and preservatives, different forms of sugar can affect your body. I definitely recommend you do some reading online on clean foods, there is a website that has great information.

    Realistically, we didn't change everything overnight. I do most of the shopping so I was able to control what we bought. Some things are easy, meats & protein don't usually have it. Fresh or frozen veggies don't have it. We don't eat dairy or bread so that was already out of our diets. I'm sure there are tons of bread recipes out there for you. Condiments are your biggest enemy here and like I said, you can make a lot of them yourself. You can do this, you don't need it to survive. Just pick and choose a little at a time until it's all gone. Any step toward a healthier lifestyle is a good one! Good Luck!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I don't buy products with it but know that it's in products I eat at restaurants. When I KNOW it is I let management know I would rather they choose, say, tortillas, without it. And then order accordingly. Tortillas don't need HFCS.
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    I didn't try to cut it out… It just happened naturally based on my eating habits. No noticeable effects.

    What kind of eating habits do you have where you don't ever encounter it? It's in BBQ sauce, cereal, honey mustard, salad dressing, peanut butter, syrup, pasta sauce, granola bars, crackers, applesauce, yogurt...etc. It's even in medicines like cough syrup.

    I guess raw-foods or all-organic would do the trick.

    Read labels. You can get all or nearly all those items without HFCS or even added sugar, particularly apple sauce, peanut butter, yogurt, and dressing. Get pure maple syrup, agave nectar or honey instead of immitation syrup, natural/no sugar added pasta sauce (or make your own), etc. Items like BBQ sauce, honey mustard, and cereal will have a sweetener in them because they are supposed to be sweet but you can try and avoid corn syrup if you desire by reading the labels.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member

    If you're worried about how it affects your weight, satiety, and health, then you should cut down on all added sugar, not just HFCS. Fruit gets a pass from Dr. Lustig (famous for the above video). But fruit juice is a no according to him.

    Many people think he's an alarmist, but he's a pediatric endocrinologist with credentials in diabetes research reviews (he and another author tied up causation between increased consumption of sugar in populations with increased rates of diabetes in those populations). I'll listen to him before some random internet poster who will come tell you sugar is fine in all forms and quantities. Your opinion may vary. Do your own reading and lecture watching, make up your own mind.

    Alan Aragon debated him.....judge for yourselves....

    The man knows his stuff. But he trains elite athletes. Look around you, how many people qualify and therefore probably don't have to worry about excess sugar consumption?

    Ad hominem.

    Judge the data and the arguments, not the source. Lustig is a moron, and Aragon ate him for lunch.

    Not an ad hominem at all. He simply works with people who are far from the typical American.

    I don't know if you can out exercise a bad diet, but I can't, and believe me, I tried!
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member

    If you're worried about how it affects your weight, satiety, and health, then you should cut down on all added sugar, not just HFCS. Fruit gets a pass from Dr. Lustig (famous for the above video). But fruit juice is a no according to him.

    Many people think he's an alarmist, but he's a pediatric endocrinologist with credentials in diabetes research reviews (he and another author tied up causation between increased consumption of sugar in populations with increased rates of diabetes in those populations). I'll listen to him before some random internet poster who will come tell you sugar is fine in all forms and quantities. Your opinion may vary. Do your own reading and lecture watching, make up your own mind.

    Alan Aragon debated him.....judge for yourselves....

    The man knows his stuff. But he trains elite athletes. Look around you, how many people qualify and therefore probably don't have to worry about excess sugar consumption?

    Ad hominem.

    Judge the data and the arguments, not the source. Lustig is a moron, and Aragon ate him for lunch.

    Not an ad hominem at all. He simply works with people who are far from the typical American.

    I don't know if you can out exercise a bad diet, but I can't, and believe me, I tried!

    Why do the clients he works with matter? I am reading the science.

    "In my final rebuttal to David, I explain what discretionary calories are, and how their intended use further supports the point I made in my original article. To quote my response, “The discretionary allotment for an active male is 512 kcal, and a sedentary one is 290 kcal. The average of this is 401 kcal. Technically, it wouldn’t violate the AHA’s recommendations if someone’s entire discretionary kcals came from sugar, which in the case of 401 kcals is about 100g, which equates to 50g fructose, which brings us right back to the exact number I listed as the upper safe limit in my original article.”
  • runner475
    runner475 Posts: 1,236 Member
    I go for pure sugar or cane sugar.

    Yes I have cut off from HFCS and no one question me why. It's my story and I'm sticking to it with no explanation.
  • FunkyTobias
    FunkyTobias Posts: 1,776 Member

    If you're worried about how it affects your weight, satiety, and health, then you should cut down on all added sugar, not just HFCS. Fruit gets a pass from Dr. Lustig (famous for the above video). But fruit juice is a no according to him.

    Many people think he's an alarmist, but he's a pediatric endocrinologist with credentials in diabetes research reviews (he and another author tied up causation between increased consumption of sugar in populations with increased rates of diabetes in those populations). I'll listen to him before some random internet poster who will come tell you sugar is fine in all forms and quantities. Your opinion may vary. Do your own reading and lecture watching, make up your own mind.

    Alan Aragon debated him.....judge for yourselves....

    The man knows his stuff. But he trains elite athletes. Look around you, how many people qualify and therefore probably don't have to worry about excess sugar consumption?

    Ad hominem.

    Judge the data and the arguments, not the source. Lustig is a moron, and Aragon ate him for lunch.

    Not an ad hominem at all. He simply works with people who are far from the typical American.

    I don't know if you can out exercise a bad diet, but I can't, and believe me, I tried!

    LOL. So we're adding strawmen too, I see.
  • sundaemonday
    sundaemonday Posts: 6 Member
    I haven't eaten HFCS as part of my regular diet for a few years. Very occasional exceptions for ingredients outside of my control (my parents are not quite on board with the natural foods thing, and I stay with them every month or so)--

    I can't emphasis what a HUGE difference this has made in my cravings and ability to limit binge-eating-like behaviors. Something to do with the way it hits my system makes me an oreo crazed beast! It is like sugar squared to me... not the most technical explanation (some will tell you it is just like sugar chemically so that it should work the same in the body).

    Anyway, have you ever had these:

  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member

    If you're worried about how it affects your weight, satiety, and health, then you should cut down on all added sugar, not just HFCS. Fruit gets a pass from Dr. Lustig (famous for the above video). But fruit juice is a no according to him.

    Many people think he's an alarmist, but he's a pediatric endocrinologist with credentials in diabetes research reviews (he and another author tied up causation between increased consumption of sugar in populations with increased rates of diabetes in those populations). I'll listen to him before some random internet poster who will come tell you sugar is fine in all forms and quantities. Your opinion may vary. Do your own reading and lecture watching, make up your own mind.

    Alan Aragon debated him.....judge for yourselves....

    The man knows his stuff. But he trains elite athletes. Look around you, how many people qualify and therefore probably don't have to worry about excess sugar consumption?

    Ad hominem.

    Judge the data and the arguments, not the source. Lustig is a moron, and Aragon ate him for lunch.

    Not an ad hominem at all. He simply works with people who are far from the typical American.

    I don't know if you can out exercise a bad diet, but I can't, and believe me, I tried!

    LOL. So we're adding strawmen too, I see.

    I see you don't want to consider the issue, you just want to attempt to run me around in pointless circles. You wont' succeed.

    If you can out exercise a bad diet (i.e. a lot of added sugar in this case) and if you're convinced added sugar isn't a problem for you despite it causing a rise in diabetes in populations, fine. Eat up.

    But if you're convinced it doesn't cause that rise in diabetes at all, I'd like to see some evidence. Even if I could out exercise a bad diet (and this is after all in large part a weight loss forum so it's relevant to our interests) the diabetes link would give me pause.

    In addition, the food industry seems to want us to continue to consume excess calories largely coming from sugars they add to their foods, then get home from work and burn them off so we don't suffer from obesity related disease and/or sugar consumption related disease.

    Even if we could out exercise a bad diet and remain healthy with high added sugar consumption, I find it presumptuous of them to assume none of us has anything better to do than work out for two hours every day if that is not our natural enjoyable inclination.
  • Kaitou
    Kaitou Posts: 50 Member
    I don't understand the point of cutting something from your diet when others who have freely admit, "I saw no benefits." But to each their own. Good luck to you.

    Brett, at least 3 people have mentioned cutting out adverse effects by cutting HFCS. That is hardly "seeing no benefits". Just because it makes no difference for some people doesn't mean the same is true for everyone.

    I bought a case of eyeshadow once and the first time I tried it, my skin started burning almost immediately. Even after flushing the area with water over and over again, the skin around my eye remained puffy and red, painful. Lots of people probably used that eyeshadow with no adverse effects, but the same was not true for me.

    You need to learn and understand that the effects things cause on people are not universal.

    I also get the very-sleepy thing after eating certain (HFCS-having!) foods, and others have mentioned that cutting HFCS eliminated that feeling.

    @Sundaemonday: I'm glad to hear that it's helped cut down on cravings for you. I hope it will be the same for me.

    ooh that La Croix looks neat--does they taste pretty good?
  • Seevan07
    Seevan07 Posts: 23
    I've pretty much cut it out, aside from an odd treat here and there, like a popsicle. I had to a buy a lot of new foods to replace what I had. I've also cut out soda (Pepsi was a weakness), aside from a little Sprite to take pills or for nausea. I don't miss the overly sugared feeling anymore!
  • DameRhetorica
    I realize I eat next to no HFCS and that's b/c I eat mainly minimally processed or unprocessed foods. I like the 5 ingredient rule, which might be one of Michael Pollan's. If something I am thinking about buying (like almond milk or yogurt) has more than 5 ingredients, I nix it.

    Does eating this way cost more? I'm not convinced. Buying and making your own food may or may not include expensive organics, especially depending on your access to farmer's market produce that may be grown w/o pesticides even when it's not certified organic. (Consult this list for a recommendation on what is most worth the extra $$ as far as organic fruits and veg go:

    Also, re: weening processed food from your diet along with HFCS, you can roast tomatoes and substitute them for store-bought catsup, for example. You can even make your own protein shakes and bars for less $$ than most available options, and if you sweeten homemade versions with dried fruit or maple syrup, you're still eating well by most counts.

    Maybe the trick is going off not only HFCS but also overly packaged, processed, and commercialized food, including the well-intentioned, often well-marketed health food varieties.

    In any case, good luck!
  • FunkyTobias
    FunkyTobias Posts: 1,776 Member

    If you're worried about how it affects your weight, satiety, and health, then you should cut down on all added sugar, not just HFCS. Fruit gets a pass from Dr. Lustig (famous for the above video). But fruit juice is a no according to him.

    Many people think he's an alarmist, but he's a pediatric endocrinologist with credentials in diabetes research reviews (he and another author tied up causation between increased consumption of sugar in populations with increased rates of diabetes in those populations). I'll listen to him before some random internet poster who will come tell you sugar is fine in all forms and quantities. Your opinion may vary. Do your own reading and lecture watching, make up your own mind.

    Alan Aragon debated him.....judge for yourselves....

    The man knows his stuff. But he trains elite athletes. Look around you, how many people qualify and therefore probably don't have to worry about excess sugar consumption?

    Ad hominem.

    Judge the data and the arguments, not the source. Lustig is a moron, and Aragon ate him for lunch.

    Not an ad hominem at all. He simply works with people who are far from the typical American.

    I don't know if you can out exercise a bad diet, but I can't, and believe me, I tried!

    LOL. So we're adding strawmen too, I see.

    I see you don't want to consider the issue, you just want to attempt to run me around in pointless circles. You wont' succeed.

    If you can out exercise a bad diet (i.e. a lot of added sugar in this case) and if you're convinced added sugar isn't a problem for you despite it causing a rise in diabetes in populations, fine. Eat up.

    Strawman. Nobody said you could out exercise a bad diet.
    But if you're convinced it doesn't cause that rise in diabetes at all, I'd like to see some evidence. Even if I could out exercise a bad diet (and this is after all in large part a weight loss forum so it's relevant to our interests) the diabetes link would give me pause.

    The rise in diabetes is linked to an excess of CALORIES, not just sugar. Please show me any evidence of a link to diabetes in a caloric balance (or deficit).

    In addition, the food industry seems to want us to continue to consume excess calories largely coming from sugars they add to their foods, then get home from work and burn them off so we don't suffer from obesity related disease and/or sugar consumption related disease.

    Even if we could out exercise a bad diet and remain healthy with high added sugar consumption, I find it presumptuous of them to assume none of us has anything better to do than work out for two hours every day if that is not our natural enjoyable inclination.

    Another strawman. Nobody is recommending this.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    I don't understand the point of cutting something from your diet when others who have freely admit, "I saw no benefits." But to each their own. Good luck to you.

    This. I don't actively avoid it, but I had to go through my fridge and pantry and peek at my labels. Hmm, well it's NOT in everything (and I'm no clean eater by any stretch). The only thing I eat that has HFCS is...wait for mayonnaise. Not in my ketchup, or applesauce, or maple syrup (I buy real stuff-I'm in Wisconsin, so you "HAVE" to), nor in my cereal or bread or salad dressings. Hmm, I must be doing "dirty" eating wrong.

    I guess I'm just tired of the internet "telling" us, "OMG, it's in EVERYTHING. It's EVERYWHERE, and it's SOOOO bad." It's not, and it's not.
  • LexiMelo
    LexiMelo Posts: 203 Member
    If I have an easy choice I will cut it out. There are tons of cereals without HFCS. The organic ketchup cost like 0.30 cents more oh no! lol. I'll check my labels and go for the tomatoes without HFCS.

    It's not just the fact that it is HFCS for me - foods that have to add that are adding extra no benefit calories. If it is something delicious fine. But there is absolutely no reason to add HFCS to a can of diced tomatoes or peanut butter. If you cut it out you get more of the natural taste of food! And (except for treats like ice cream, etc.) I view food as fuel, so if there are added calories without any nutritional value or added taste whatsoever, why go for that?