Yosemite Hiking and Logging on MFP???

ForestLove Posts: 11 Member
Does anyone know if I can pre-log food for a long weekend? I will be hiking in Yosemite Friday to Tuesday and won't have a chance to log anything until I get home. Will it screw up my counter or can I fix that? How do you all deal with times when you can not log in?


  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    I was there about a week and a half ago. So awesome. But to answer the question I'm pretty sure you need to actually log in each day and pre-logging won't do it. The only option you really have is to message the admins about it. They can re-set streaks. Usually I just cop the re-set. Doesn't really change anything
  • ForestLove
    ForestLove Posts: 11 Member
    That's true, because I will be still doing the same things and eating as I would if I were logging, just won't have any internet access.

    How was the weather in Yosemite? We are coming from Sacramento so really hoping for a bit of reprieve from this heat!!