i fear i will be judged when i go back

Ok so i started this year with a plan, got gym membership, discovered mfp etc. My problem is i don't stick to the the plan. I've caved in sooo many times. My recent struggle is the gym...i feel like someone who saw me in january would totally judge me.

Lol ok, thats how i felt then i wrote it down and i realised how silly the thought is:laugh: :noway:


  • Kaitou
    Kaitou Posts: 50 Member
    Glad to hear writing it out helped you :) Most of us cave at some point, but accepting we can't be perfect and keeping on striving is the best thing we can do.
  • Nojoke81
    Nojoke81 Posts: 131
    A few people will look and inevitably judge, however the trick is to stop caring what strangers think.

    Lol @ my post count!
  • toolhead87
    toolhead87 Posts: 10
    the people who sit around judging people by their looks aren't going anywhere fast in their lives, don't worry about them
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Lol ok, thats how i felt then i wrote it down and i realised how silly the thought is:laugh: :noway:

    yep... stop worrying what other peopel think because 99% of the time they dont think that at all!
  • icck
    icck Posts: 197 Member
    Haters gonna hate, but they're not worth your time. Everyone has a set back at some time or other.

    Although to be honest, I don't really notice anyone at the gym! Occasionally I'm admiring someone's lifting while I'm between seats, but 99% of the time I'm too focused on what I'm doing to care who's around me, when I saw them last, etc.
  • brayman1701
    brayman1701 Posts: 76 Member
    I'm exactly the same I have yoyo'd so many times for how long now, but we will both get there :)
  • 3bubz
    3bubz Posts: 9 Member
    Who cares what they think. Good on you for getting into it again
  • Girl, I went to the gym today with lint all over my dark blue workout pants; all I cared about was getting in my workout this morning before my husband had to leave for work -- I'm sure people saw and stared, but I wasn't thinking about those folks. Moral of the story; you got it! Don't pay any mind to anyone else cause you know you're there for you, and you alone!!! It can be a struggle until one day it won't be a struggle any longer cause it'll be like clockwork; until then, if you have to stop and go with the gym, you have set backs it all doesn't matter cause the point is that you keep getting back up and going!!! Press through cause with God all things are possible! God Bless
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Yeah, it is silly. If anyone did see you there in January, chances are they wouldn't recognize you even if you looked the same. Plenty of people go to the gym - why would they remember you that clearly?

    Just go. You're doing this for you; not to impress people at the gym.
  • teranga79
    teranga79 Posts: 202 Member
    I've twice fallen off the treadmill, and when I recently started going back to the gym after a break I couldn't get through the gate things and had to be shown in by a small child :laugh: My point is..... even if people notice these things and laugh they soon forget again.

    In your case there's not even any reason for people to notice... especially as you (like most other people) can probably stand upright on a treadmill and not draw attention to yourself.
  • jboccio90
    jboccio90 Posts: 644 Member
    If I was one of your fellow gym goers even if i recognized you I honestly wouldn't think anything of it.
  • ashym123
    ashym123 Posts: 8
    gurl its completely ok i have fallen off a few times but if you have the support and motivation just keep going. even if you have lost 5 lbs or 50lbs its something and you can always remember that you can do it dont ever feel like u cant. and dont ever feel embarrassed love you for you and screw what others think. if you want to go to the gym go!!! (:
  • cosmiqrust
    cosmiqrust Posts: 214 Member
    everyone's judging everyone while panicking about whether someone else is judging them back. don't worry about it. i got stuck floundering under a 50lb barbell in my first week, never stopped me from going back. fitness isn't a straight line, it's a child's scribble.
  • whalebeast
    whalebeast Posts: 12 Member
    Most peeps in the gym are busy doing their own thing and wouldn't think to look twice. But if you do need more encouragement, feel pleased that you're working it in the gym and working it harder than everyone who is still in bed! Go, go, go!
  • kportwood85
    kportwood85 Posts: 151 Member
    Honestly, nobody is going to notice you. I am at the gym all the time. I notice my friends. And a 45 guy with giant arms and skinny legs who bothers 20 yr old hot girls in short shorts while they try to use the elliptical. (never been so happy in my life to not be a hot girl in short shorts lol) Go, don't let anyone discourage you. even IF you are noticed, people will just assume maybe you came at different times for the last 7 months.
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
    I'll say it. It's NOT silly.

    However, if they don't respect you for sticking with it and returning then their opinion means nothing.

    You're only a quitter if you don't go back and try again.
  • ambridget2
    ambridget2 Posts: 30 Member
    I have been in your position and have literally avoided people that I know at the gym. I gained 30 from nursing school and wasn't working out during that time- hard to find time. I would go when it wasn't crowded in the beginning but I finally realized that I was not going to let that perception of what others were thinking keep me from being healthy and losing weight. One by one and on various days I would approach people that I knew and would just catch up with them and explain my dilemma. Real, caring people will support you and praise you for coming back. Other people just don't matter.

    It is your health, your dreams, your goals, etc. and what others think matters not.
  • Bella0531
    Bella0531 Posts: 309 Member
    Everyone is so right. For the most part nobody remembers who was there from one day to the next - and they certainly won't remember that you were there in January.

    I've been going to my gym for nearly three years. Honestly, there are really only two people that I actively look out for - one because he dances on the treadmill and always looks like he's having the best time and it is fun to watch, the other because he always smells really really bad and I want to stay away. Hahaha!
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    I feel ya. Glad you were honest about how you feel! It's silly but I feel I will be judged if I go to the same store twice in one day :laugh:

    Just think "Screw it, I do what I want" and go to the gym. Better late than never. You're paying for your membership, get your money's worth! :flowerforyou:
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    First of all, let me start by saying that as a regular gym goer I only recognize the people who go regularly. If you were there in January and I saw you tomorrow, I wouldn't remember you.

    Second, if people want to judge you for taking the steps to better your life, f them. They're just stupid bros and hoes anyway so who cares what their opinion is.

    Finally, if you want something bad enough, you'll take the necessary steps to make it happen. If you aren't willing to, then you don't really want it that badly.