Looking for fitness friends!

Hi there,
first...an introduction...

I'm a 26-year old American living in China...for 2.5 years now. I was weighing at 120lbs before I came to China, not counting calories or exercising or anything of the likes. Then I moved to China .... My first 6 months were rough and since I don't like greasy Chinese food I ended up eating a lot of Western fast food...AND to make matters worse I'm a big fan of beer and beer is very very cheap here. Over the past 2.5 years I've gotten into the habit of drinking 40oz of chinese beer A DAY. I know this is a ridiculous amount for anyone, nonetheless a mid-20 every old female! Kicking the drinking habit has been the hardest, but since moving into a much nicer apartment and discovering the local markets I cook ALL my own meals and never never eat fast food or anything fried or grease-ridden.

So I started at 120lbs 2.5 years ago...I reached my heaviest at 134lbs a week ago after a 2-week holiday in indonesia where I binged on beer and huge meals 3x a day (it was holiday, what can I say!). Well 134lbs freaked me out so the past few days I've been running like a maniac on the treadmill and counting calories.

I should mention, right now I'm on summer holiday (I'm a teacher at a public school, so I only work when the kids go to school)...with 2.5 months off from work I figured this is a good time to do some extreme dieting and exercising since dieting can take its toll on energy levels (though I haven't experienced this yet). I'm aware its not healthy, but I've been feeling pretty freaking great and only plan to do this for a total of 3 weeks or so.I'm also taking a multi-vitamin to supplement the lack of nutrition in what has become a 600 calorie a day diet. I'm trying VERY hard to resist drinking beer...really, I've got too much time on my hands. its not normal for an adult to have so much free time, my mind goes straight to beer, its a great time killer and drinking is the main if not only social activity my friends and I have. :/

Well, I've opened up my food diary so I'm open to hearing your comments and suggestions. If anyone knows of any power foods I can get in China, that'd also be appreciated. I eat lots of beans and lentils and vegetable, seems I'm still sort on protein and iron though.
