Has Anyone had Laser Lipo?

A few people I know have tried it. They lost some inches and also said it gave them a bit of inspiration to keep on with the diet and exercise. There doesn't seem to be a downside?????????????


  • Jodsmission
    Jodsmission Posts: 130 Member
    Well the biggest downside I can see (aside from the brown spotting that can occur )is that laser lipo or any lipo removes all fat cells both brown and white. White fat cells are your fat and what we hate but the brown (which as adults decrease in size rather than increase like white) are the cells responsible for turning fat into energy. By dieting you are decreasing the size of your white fat cells.You still need the brown fat cells to create energy as you go.
    Long and short you will have a harder time losing weight after having lipo and your body will lack both kinds of cells in the area you have treated. So when you gain your body will look for areas where there are still fat cells.Ex. If you have your stomach done then in the future you will notice your thighs will carry the weight.
    I understand it seems like a quick fix to a long problem but you should really just keep dieting and working out if you find that you need to tighten the skin then maybe you want to spend the money on that after your weight is lost the old fashioned way
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    I actually detest the word diet because it is the essence of what is wrong. A lifestyle change includes making healthy changes in nutrition (quality, volume and perhaps regularity), exercise, sleep, and more. It has to be slow to become permanent and as natural as breathing.

    Diet usually is yoyoing, quick fixes, lack of responsibility, impatience and other interesting phenomena. It also doesn't go to the root of the problem, so you end up with fat thighs when the excess nutrition can't be stored in the abdominal area anymore, like Jodsmission said.

    All surgeries come with a risk. What made you forget that part?
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    Surely the cost is another downside?
    MFP is free...
  • LucySqueeze
    LucySqueeze Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Guys
    Thank you very much for this :)
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    I had tumescent lipo done with my tummy tuck 6 weeks ago. I love the results, but I would not use it in place of weight loss. I see it more as the finishing touch after getting to my goal. I don't know about laser lipo, but the lipo I had was more painful than my extended tummy tuck & muscle repair. I have to wear a compression garment 24/7 to help adhere the skin back to the muscles. My skin is numb on top with a fiery pain underneath & I itch like crazy. I would definitely do it all over again because I love my new look, but I would not do it to lose weight.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    The downsides as far as I can see is the amount of money spent (it ain't cheap) and it doesn't teach you anything. I also believe it takes multiple treatments which takes time.

    You can lose weight naturally and keep it off more effectively is you consistently record and develop better eating habits. You can pay a ton of money to lose a little bit of weight now, or you can invest in yourself and develop a better healthier relationship with food.

    You can literally lose weight eating all of your favorite foods, spend your money on that.