Thanksgiving - when did you see it on the scale?



  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    I am taking an informal poll on how long it takes for bad food choices to convert to weight gain!

    If you overate a bit on Thursday, then ate clean yesterday, did you show a scale gain yesterday (the morning after), or today (2 days later), or not at all?

    I was fine yesterday no change on scale, but this morning after having a really strict day & working out I actually saw a gain. Would like to think I'm on 2 day delay and will see a loss tomorrow!

    I call it "the day after the day after effect." (Sounds confusing?) What you mentioned always happens to me, particulary after a night of eating at a restaurant, eating at a party, or consuming too much alcohol. The next morning, I may either lose weight or my weight wouldn't change, and the morning after that is when I will see the weight gain. It may be that water retention from the salt took that long to kick in. Someone said you can prevent this by not eating much the next day after your eating adventure, but I'm not sure that will really work. Maybe watching your sodium level and drinking a ton of water the next day may be helpful, but the weight does come back down.
  • scmajm22
    scmajm22 Posts: 75 Member
    I am so inspired by everyone doing so well over this week! Everyone has managed so well and not had too much anxiety over beding the plan a little then moving on. I'm so impressed!
    I agree I am very impressed with everyone!
    The hardest part is getting back on track after a bad day or two. Congrats to you all!!!