home gym vs. gym membership

stephalvarez5 Posts: 154 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
so for x-mas i've decided to buy myself one of the two, a home gym, (the weider 2980 214lb stack gym). or a gym membership to 24 hour fitness. which do you think would be better to own? give me pro's n cons of each so that i make a sound decision. I'll tell u a lil about my lifestyle to better help with your suggestions.

1. i'm a night owl and i work a lot.
2. i prefer to run (i've mostly been running at the local H.S. track, but it's winter!!)
3. toning and definition are important to me (focus areas are abs and arms)
4. i love high impact activities (football, boxing etc.)
5. most of my friends are 24 hour fitness members

anything else? im leaning more toward the gym membership because they have a huge variety of machines and classes and it's a lot less likely that i'll get around to doing everything vs. getting bored at home with the home gym. then again, having a home gym is so convenient. hmmm... what do YOU think?



  • anaaho
    anaaho Posts: 7 Member
    People tend to subconsciously work harder with an audience around so you will probably work harder at the gym than you would at home. Also, I find myself being distracted by doing other things around the house at times if I work out at home
  • stephalvarez5
    stephalvarez5 Posts: 154 Member
    People tend to subconsciously work harder with an audience around so you will probably work harder at the gym than you would at home. Also, I find myself being distracted by doing other things around the house at times if I work out at home

    that's a very valid point. especially cuz i have a huge ego and love to be the best at everything and show off. hahha gross i know. but ur point is very valid in my case thank you.
  • I like the gym better, because I usually don't do as well at home. Plus the gym is where I go to de-STRESS!!!
  • stephalvarez5
    stephalvarez5 Posts: 154 Member
    I like the gym better, because I usually don't do as well at home. Plus the gym is where I go to de-STRESS!!!

    i never thought about it like that, a nice lil heaven away from all the mess at home. great excuse to get out and have "me" time.
  • velix
    velix Posts: 437 Member
    I prefer the gym. There is no other reason to be there but to work out. Whereas at home, I have a hundred different things I "could" be doing instead. Also, I use the gym as a time out from my everyday stuff. Sort of alone time where I get to focus on me 100%.

    And I agree with the performance comment above - I am more willing to quit in the middle of a rep when at home, but around people, I always want to make sure I give 100% (don't want anyone to be able to make the "oh, of course she quit, look at her size" comments.....
  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    I love the gym b/c I will do whatever the instructor says...but I slack at home.

    That being said, lately with my work schedule, I've found it very hard to make it to the gym. Will your friends go with you late at night? I belong to the Y now, but I used to go to a 24 hr place and the few times I went at night after 6 I was one of the only people there. I found it creepy. Will you go enough to make it worth the money you are spending. Lately that has not been true for me, which is why I ask.
  • summerbert
    summerbert Posts: 292 Member
    I find that I work out better at home. I can make a million excuses not to go to the gym but here my stuff is staring me in the face. I have a pull up station, free weights, resistance bands, big ball, small ab ball, and elliptical
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    If I could get to a gym every day, I'd definetly do that. I have what I need at home to workout (aerobic videos, steps, dumbells, elliptical trainer), but I really love the days I get to go to the gym. I work from home 3 days a week and drive in 2 days. So on the 2 days I go in, the gym is worked into my schedule (I go before work, so no excuses). I wish I did it more, and I would except I have an hour and 15 minute commute. So, if you had to pick just one, and you are able to get to a gym, I'd do that!! I LOVE the classes - so much more fun than doing my aerobic videos at home - plus, I push myself even harder at the gym! And the people watching really helps pass the time on the elliptical!!!
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    I would choose the gym membership. You said your friends are members there so you'd always have a workout buddy. Gyms have other equipment in the event you get bored with the home gym set up. Probably and indoor track as well?
  • eglass64
    eglass64 Posts: 180
    Go with the Gym.
  • MunchkinHawk12
    MunchkinHawk12 Posts: 434 Member
    I have a gym membership, but I like to workout at home as well. I feel, however, that I workout better at the gym, especially cardio. I usually do circuit training at home.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Once I get to the gym, I've committed myself to working out and I know that since I'm already there I might as well make the best of it. This mentality doesn't pan out at home - I can easily cut my workout short by talking myself out of it when I'm still in my house. I just don't work as hard.

    Having a home gym, however, will last you greater than 1 year. The equipment should last for some time, while the membership had to be paid continuously. It's akin to owning vs renting a house...

    Good luck with whatever you decide! I just joined a gym after running outside all year and training at home. I am really excited to see how much it changes my exercise habits.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I'm pro home gym cos:

    You can workout any time any day - roll out of bed and workout if you fancy etc
    you can make weird noises and contorted faces and sing out loud and not become self conscious....lol
    you dont have to wait to use any equipment
    you dont pick up other peoples bugs/virus'
    its much cheaper long term
    you can play loud music :bigsmile:
  • chacaruso
    chacaruso Posts: 261 Member
    I would go with the gym. I've done both and am definitely self-motivated. However there is something extra you get when you physically have to go there. You work a little harder, you're not distracted by anything at home, it really is YOUR time.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I will take it a step further. If you're in the I.E. and you need to decide on which gym I would go with L.A. Fitness. 24 Hour Fitness has not been doing enough to upgrade and repair their equipment. My husband and I were long time members of 24 Hour Fitness and we switched over to L A Fitness two years ago. There is an awesome LA Fitness off of Arlington Avenue in Riverside. Each treadmill and bike has it's own TV. The treadmills have fans. The group classes are current, posted online, and over-all user friendly.
  • iguanaliz
    iguanaliz Posts: 95 Member
    I have both a home gym and a gym membership. I use the gym membership. Here's why...I'm self employed and work from home. I have a really hard time separating work from non-work and tend to work 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. (On the 7th day, I clean!) I'm in a creative field and there does come a time when the brain must stop!

    So I made a deal with myself that I can leave work for a few hours during the afternoon IF I go to the gym. It's the exact perfect break I need, and I don't feel guilty about it because that 90 minute "tune out" is exactly what I need to push through another few hours when I get back. Meanwhile, the cats like jumping on the home equipment :0)
  • I used to belong to LA Fitness and I loved it. Classes were great and the times I worked out I never had to wait for the equipment that I wanted to use. I now workout at home to save money. I have great DVDs and my FH has a weight bench and I have an elliptical. Everyone has made valid points so its your turn to make a pros and cons list.
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    get a gym membership...its way better
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    I personally prefer the gym. I tried working out at home but there are too many distractions. I also find that once I started getting to know people at the gym, they notice when I take some time off. It helps keep me motivated. I also like to see what other people are doing, sometimes I can get great ideas to incorporate in my workout. Or, I can have people check my form so I don't end up injuring myself.
  • stephalvarez5
    stephalvarez5 Posts: 154 Member
    everyone's suggestions and tips and point of views really have helped me consider things i didnt necessarly consider before. you are all so supportive and helpful and give great insight. thank you all for your responses.

    i'm going with the gym membership.
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