Thanksgiving over

Well phew that was tough!!! but made it and quite proud of the fact!.. anyway we are heading for Christmas. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions to get through this amazing but dangerously fattening season! It is like a bad nightmare all the food I love everywhere.............


  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    I'm going to struggle with this as well, as I will be out of the country (and out of the safety net of MFP and my home for 10 days. Add to that, the fact that I will be seeing family I haven't seen in years, who have already started scheduling meals with me. My plan is 1. Do lots of walking to get in my exercise. 2. Watch my portions. I may sample stuff but will be really limiting what I eat. 3. Trying to make good decisions about what I do eat. 4. Drinking lots of water, though this is actually going to be difficult (long story). Very interested in other suggestions as well.
  • chacaruso
    chacaruso Posts: 261 Member
    This is the toughest season food wise and trying to stay on track. Yes, lots of water, hot herbal teas always make me feel fuller, moderation and not missing a workout. That's the best we can do.