3 Day Split routine - thoughts(?)

Good morning (afternoon, evening, etc.) everyone.

Just thought I would see some of the opinions of people here on a 3 Day split routine.

Currently - I lift three times a week. My lifting partner and I were doing full body routines for the most part - which worked for awhile.

However, and I'm not upset by this at all, but I've noticed that as the weight has increased, I obviously get tired at a quicker rate - thus by the end of the workout, I'm not pushing at what I used to be doing, so those that are last somewhat suffer.

I've read up on a few routines that talk about three day split programs where it is designed in a ABABAB type routine:

For example:

Monday - Upper Body
Wednesday - Lower Body
Friday - Upper Body

Monday - Lower Body
Wednesday - Upper Body
Friday - Lower Body

And Repeat.

This seems like it would be a decent path to take as it would mean I would be hitting every body part at least twice every 5 days or so, and I wouldn't suffer from heavy legs - then trying to do arms - or vice versa.

Anyway - I just wanted to get the opinions of anyone out there. What are your thoughts on a routine like this?

Thanks in advance to all who answer!