In search of Lower carb/sugar sweet suggestions



  • MikeCrazy
    MikeCrazy Posts: 2,716 Member
    You substitute things like Truvia as it is a natural sugar alcohol that doesn't spike insulin levels.

    For "sweets" use near 100% cocao baking chocolate and other things like unsweetened coconut.

    Next, for the soda fix - I need this from time to time - use seltzer water with sugar free flavored syrup. Also, if you want you can add some heavy whipping cream for an amazing Italian soda. OMG yum!
    Edit: You can get a Torani Variety Pack sugar free syrup, from amazon for a really good price.

    Also, check pinterest for some great recipe ideas eg link:
  • blondie_girl14
    blondie_girl14 Posts: 198 Member
    If there are birthday treats in the cube down from you, I suppose you don't have a blender handy. But I'll share anyway... Just made these yesterday and they're amazing! Both my 9 and 14 year old sugar addicts loved it too.
    1 frozen banana
    1 cup almond milk (we used regular unsweetened)
    1/4 teaspoon almond or vanilla extract
    1/2 tablespoon cocoa powder

    Blend it up... it's like a milkshake :)

    This sounds awesome! :tongue:
  • thejuicywoman
    thejuicywoman Posts: 37 Member
    Not sure how many carbs this would be but here are some of my fave ideas:

    My daughter and I like to make ice pops out of anything. She likes blending fresh strawberries and yogurt and I enjoy either sugar free chocolate pudding or either lemonade or sweet tea pops. Another favorite sweet treat for me is orange sherbet and italian ices. I love the Marino's Chocolate or orange ices. Reminds me of being a kid again and don't even get me started on how much I adore the freezer pops, just something about squeezing it, watching it move up and enjoying the pretty colors.
  • thejuicywoman
    thejuicywoman Posts: 37 Member
    Mint tea pops are great. I think I'll whip up a batch today. Thanks for the inspiration.
  • thejuicywoman
    thejuicywoman Posts: 37 Member
    OMG. With the almond butter and apples, you can make a homemade apple crumble. There's a fabulous recipe included in the Stone Wave crock? Do you have a Stone Wave? I love it because the intensified heat flavors the food and it's a much richer flavor than microwaving.
  • ajax041813
    ajax041813 Posts: 136 Member
    I have found that sometimes when I am craving sweet, I eat something totally not sweet it flips the switch in my brain. Like pickles, I love them and they are a good low cal snack so I can have one and drink water and see if I still crave sweets. If so then...

    I make smoothies like another poster said, and I watch my portion so I don't overdo it on those, very easy for the calorie counts to climb up there. I have tons of mason jars, small 6oz ones and pint (12-16oz) ones so when I make smoothies I portion them out and try to have the small one if it's during the day.

    I have recently discovered stevia being a great no calories sweetener. Too much can leave a weird artificial sugar taste but just a little goes a long way and it helps tremendously. I have the liquid kind I squeeze into whatever I need.

    Healthy fats are a good way of keeping yourself satiated and full, meaning not as many cravings. Avocados are great, olive oil, coconut oil, grass-fed butter, ghee, coconut milk, creamed coconut are some of my favorites.

    Here are a couple of recipes for you:

    Chocolate pudding:
    makes 2 servings

    1 hass avocado
    2 tbsp. cocoa powder
    1 tsp vanilla extract
    1/2 cup almond milk, unsweetened
    1 -2 tbsp. honey OR 2-3 squeezes of liquid stevia OR sweetener of your choice!

    Place all ingredients in blender and pulse until ingredients are well combined. I usually start with a little sweetener, and taste and add as I go. If the avocado is harder, I might add more milk.

    I use my small mason jars and screw the blender bottom on top. Fits perfectly!!! I was so excited that something I read on Pinterest was actually true!!! I love doing this so I only have to clean out 2 mason jars and clean the bottom of blender, instead of the whole thing. Hope this helps! Great job on taking control of your health and your choices!
  • thejuicywoman
    thejuicywoman Posts: 37 Member
    Just googled ice pop molds on Amazon and found this page. I have the green Ozera pop molds. I love them because they give you a really substantial sized pop. Get creative and play around with the recipe. You can even sneak in veggies where they're least expected. pop molds&sprefix=ice+pop,aps

    Also if you like pops using homemade ingredients, I recommend checking out various cookbooks for pop recipes:
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    I am stuck on iced coffee with sugar free French Vanilla creamer. i never like dcoffe until I tried it iced.

    Iced coffee is the bomb. I grew up on it. My grandmother got my father hooked on it. So we are talking a family tradition of a century! During the summer, I only have hot coffee every other day. The other half of the pot goes in the fridge for the next day. Then, it's just cold milk in cold coffee and YUMMMMM
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    How does fat free half and half even exist? It doesn't make sense. The more fat you take out the more "skimmy" it becomes. Like... half and half means 10%. So if it doesn't have 10% it's not half and half anymore?

    They replace the fat with sugar and thickeners. Here's the ingredients list from Land'o'Lakes fat free half & half:

    Skim Milk, Corn Syrup, Cream*, Contains less than 0.5% of the following: Carrageenan, Sodium Citrate, Dipotassium Phosphate, Mono and Diglycerides*, Vitamin A Palmitate, Color Added (Ingredient not in regular half & half).

    It's one of those "evil" processed foods where the fat is replaced with "hidden sugars." Recent research indicates you are better off just having the fat of the real stuff and foregoing the extra sugars.