There were signs, I had warning. Stupid iPhone.

soze Posts: 604 Member
edited September 22 in Chit-Chat
I was at my brother's house this past Thanksgiving Day. It was there this terrible tragedy occurred. I think back several years ago prior to this fateful day. I was at a local pub meeting up with a bud for St. Paddy's day. I call him and we can't quite connect. He said he is by tent. I'm standing in the line that is moving towards the the beer tent. The line doesn't seem to be moving though. It's getting exciting. All kinds of beer in there. I call him again. He said he's in the tent. "Where?" The person behind me taps me on the shoulder and points to my bud. I then notice the line isn't moving because I'm not. There is nearly 40 feet between me and the next person ahead. I need to save face. "Do you see why I don't talk on the phone and drive!" (I don't) They laugh and I save face and probably some bad words.

There were other indications but lets move to this past Thursday. Our unique tradition is that we go hiking after dinner. So we're out there hiking. I'm talking to my sister-in-law about my weight loss. I get this great lame idea to show her my new bathroom scale. It is really lame when I think back on it too. So I start finger twiddling through the iPhone pics. When I'm on a mission that is the only thing I see. Mr. Multi-tasker isn't me. I don't see it. I'm engrossed in my pics. I get blind sided by a huge mud puddle. How could that wallow be so big and me not see it. I step into the leave covered trap. You talk about a 327 pound man hitting turf. There was a resounding oomph that echoed across the land. I crawl out covered from my feet to my elbows in green slimy mud and wet leaves. My brother laughs and its not enough that my dignity has taken a severe blow. He teases me in good humor of course. Once again I need to save face. After several minutes of taunts I declare, "I will not let a mud puddle define my life!" My sister-ln-Law is caught off guard and lets out a roaring laughter. Whew! close!


  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    Awww! I'm glad you're witty enough to make a joke of it!
    Must be pretty amusing now that you're not wet and muddy though :-P
  • soze
    soze Posts: 604 Member
    Awww! I'm glad you're witty enough to make a joke of it!
    Must be pretty amusing now that you're not wet and muddy though :-P

    Oh I laughed then. I don't take myself too seriously. Honestly was just elated I wasn't hurt.
  • Hey, it's something you and your SIL can laugh about and remember together. That's a good thing! Making memories together brings people together! Every year after this, they're going to say, "Well, we have to invite your brother, he's the life of the party!"
  • Atleast your iPhone made it out alright! Mine fell out of the boat in the summer and is 50 feet at the bottom of a lake up north lol
  • jchapman1957
    jchapman1957 Posts: 80 Member
    Without these type of things happening (I was once told that I was the only one they knew could trip over an underground cable), life would be too boring!!!! Glade your OK.
  • soze
    soze Posts: 604 Member
    Atleast your iPhone made it out alright! Mine fell out of the boat in the summer and is 50 feet at the bottom of a lake up north lol

    Yep, and iphones are only good to a depth of 1/32 inch.
    MISTTIMG Posts: 136
    That's too funny! Glad you're back! : )
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